HTTP Response Codes
Code | Text | Description |
200 | OK | Success |
400 | Bad Request | The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error. An accompanying error message will explain further. |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication credentials were missing or you tried to access an object that you don't have access to. |
403 | Forbidden | The request is understood but it has been refused or access is not allowed. An accompanying error message will explain further. |
404 | Not Found | The resource requested does not exist. |
409 | Duplicate transaction | |
419 | Session expired | Your session has expired. Your session, which was obtained with a username/password combination, has expired and can no longer be used. |
429 | You exceeded the maximum number of requests for a given interval | |
483 | Payment Processing Error | There was an error processing the payment. An accompanying error message will explain further. |
500 | Server Error | There was an error processing your request. This was caused by something unexpected on our side and we are working hard to correct the issue. Retrying later may resolve this. An accompanying error message will explain further. |
ACME Error Messages
Errors [1001-1075]
Code | Error | Message |
1001 | NO_ADMIN | Could not find the admin user for that tenant |
1002 | ACCOUNT_USER_DNE | Could not find account user |
1003 | ACCOUNT_DNE | Could not find account |
1004 | ACCOUNT_NAME_DNE | Could not find account with name |
1005 | ACCOUNT_TENANT_RELATIONSHIP_DNE | Could not find Account Tenant Relationship |
1006 | DEPARTMENT_DNE | Could not find department |
1007 | USER_DNE | Could not find user |
1008 | VISITOR_DNE | Could not find visitor |
1009 | TENANT_DNE | Could not find tenant |
1010 | NO_CURRENT_ACCOUNT | No current account available. |
1011 | PAYMENT_POLICY_DNE | Could not find payment policy for id |
1012 | PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_DNE | Could not find payment transaction |
1013 | PAYMENT_SALE_TRANSACTION_DNE | Could not find sale transaction |
1014 | PAYMENT_POLICY_INVALID_ID | Invalid payment policy |
1015 | PAYMENT_POLICY_NO_CURRENT | Could not find payment policy for current account. |
1016 | ADD_ON_DNE | Could not find add on |
1017 | REPORT_DNE | Could not find report |
1018 | PATH_DNE | Could not find path |
1019 | ORDER_DNE | Could not find order |
1020 | ORDER_ITEMS_DNE | Could not find order items |
1021 | ORDER_SOURCE_NAME_DNE | Could not find order source name |
1022 | RESOURCE_DNE | Could not find resource |
1023 | RESOURCE_FIELD_DNE | Could not find resource field |
1024 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_DNE | Could not find resource template |
1025 | RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_DNE | Could not find resource schedule |
1026 | EVENT_DNE | Could not find event with id |
1027 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_DNE | Could not find event template |
1028 | GIFT_CARD_DNE | Could not find gift card |
1029 | TICKET_DNE | Could not find ticket |
1030 | TERMINAL_DNE | Could not find terminal |
1031 | MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY_DNE MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_DNE | Could not find membership category Could not find membership level |
1032 | DB_RECORD_DNE CONFLICTING_ENTITLEMENTS_QUANTITIES CONFLICTING_DISCOUNTS | Could not find record You can have only one limit per ticket type, membership level and timeframe combination Multiple discounts / A combination of no discount and a discount per membership level found |
1033 | SHOPPING_CART_DNE PRICEPOINT_REQUIRED_WITH_LIMITS | Could not find shopping cart Pricepoint required when there is a limit |
1034 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_DNE LIMITS_REQUIRED_WITH_PRICEPOINTS ENTITLEMENT_CONFIGURATION_UNDEFINED | Could not find account category Limit required when there are pricepoints Unable to find any entitlements config or Sales rules config |
1035 | ACCOUNT_DISCOUNT_DNE TEMPLATE_ALREADY_CONTAINS_ENTITLEMENTS | Could not find account discount An entitlement configuration already exists for the event template |
1036 | REBOOK_EVENT_ID_NOT_FOUND TIMEFRAME_REQUIRED_WITH_PRICEPOINTS | Could not find the event specified for rebook Limit required when there is a pricepoints |
1037 | EVENT_PRICE_LIST_NOT_FOUND | Could not find event price list |
1038 | INVALID_COMBO_TYPE | Invalid Combo Type. Event and TicketCategory are required |
1039 | CANNOT_REMOVE_ENTITY | Entity can't be removed, there exist dependencies |
1040 | COUPON_CODE_DNE VOUCHER_NOT_FOUND | Could not find coupon with code Voucher is not present at transaction level as not yet added |
1041 | COUPON_CATEGORY_DNE MEMBERSHIP_CANNOT_EXPIRE_BEFORE_START | Could not find coupon category Membership cannot expire before start time |
1042 | COUPON_DNE | Could not find coupon |
1043 | CANNOT_REMOVE_USER_GROUP | UserGroup can't be removed, there are users or Roles mapped to it. Remove mappings and try again |
1044 | PAYOUT_SUBMIT_FAILED | Invalid TenantId |
1045 | PAYOUT_INFO_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_FOR_TENANT | Could not find payoutInfoDo for tenant |
1046 | PAYOUT_RESUBMIT_ORIGINAL_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | Could not find original transaction for resubmit |
1047 | PAYOUT_INVALID_DIRECTORY_PATH | Invalid file or directory path |
1048 | PAYOUT_COULD_NOT_BUILD_LITLE_REQUEST | Input parameter/s are invalid |
1050 | VANTIV_REQUIRED | Account Setup Missing Payout Settings. |
1051 | MEMBERSHIP_ATTRIBUTE_DNE | Could not find membership attribute |
1052 | GLCODE_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Could not find/Retrieve GLCode File from S3 |
1053 | GLCODE_COULD_NOT_BE_RESOLVED | Could not Resolve GLCode |
1054 | PAYMENT_METHOD_DNE | Could not find Payment Method |
1055 | REPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Could not find/Retrieve Txn Report File from S3 |
1056 | CUSTOM_REPORT_DEFAULT_DATE_ERROR | Please use the custom report default date range field: |
1057 | RESERVATION_DNE | could not find reservation |
1058 | POS_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | Could not find POS config |
1059 | TERMINAL_WITH_ID_NOT_FOUND | Could not find terminal with id |
1060 | END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME CARD_END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME | End time can not be a date before start time Card end time can not be a date before start time |
1061 | RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY_CONFIG_DNE CARD_END_TIME_BEFORE_MEMBERSHIP_START_TIME | Could not find resource availability configuration Card end time can not be a date before membership start time |
1062 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_DNE EXPIRY_DATE_OVERLAP | Could not find event template resource request This action is not allowed as it overlaps with a membership starting on |
1063 | USER_PREFERENCE_DNE NO_CARD_EXPIRING_WITH_MEMBERSHIP | Could not find preference for view One primary cardholder must remain active through the membership expiration date |
1064 | RESOURCE_REQUEST_DNE CANNOT_UPDATE_EXPIRY_DATE_OF_CANCELED_MEMBERSHIP | Could not find Resource Request Cannot update a canceled membership, please rejoin |
1065 | USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | User Authentication Failure |
1066 | NO_MATCHING_ROUTING_DOMAIN_FOUND | No Matching Routing Domain Found |
1067 | PARTNER_DNE | Could not find Partner |
1068 | ORDER_REQUEST_DNE | Could not find order request |
1069 | ORDER_REQUEST_ITEM_DNE | Could not find order request item |
1070 | ORDER_REQUEST_TICKET_DNE | Cound not find ticket type in order request item |
1071 | ORG_DNE | Organization not found |
1072 | ORGANIZATION_DNE | Could not find Organization |
1073 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY | Invalid membership level |
1074 | VISITOR_EXISTS_IN_MULTIPLE_TENANTS | Visitor exists in multiple tenants |
1075 | INVALID_QRCODE_CONTENT | QR code data must be alphanumeric |
Account, Resource, and Order Errors [2001-2057]
Note: In ACME, "Account" refers to an Organization record to which an order may be associated.
Code | Error | Message |
2001 | TENANT_INCORRECT | Tenant information is not set for the current user |
2002 | REQUEST_ID_MISMATCH | The id on the path does not match the id in the body |
2003 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_RELATIONSHIP_EXISTS | This account is already associated with this category |
2004 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_CANT_MODIFY | The system defined account category can not be modified |
2005 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_CANT_DELETE | The system defined account category can not be deleted |
2006 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_DUPLICATE | There is already an account category with this name |
2007 | TICKET_INVENTORY_INSUFFICIENT | There are not enough tickets available to satisfy this order |
2008 | EVENT_CAPACITY_UPDATE_TOO_LOW | New event capacity cannot be less than used capacity |
2009 | TENANT_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a tenantId |
2010 | CREDIT_CARD_EXCEPTION_PAYMENT | Card exception during payment processing |
2011 | CREDIT_CARD_EXCEPTION_REFUND | Card exception during refund processing |
2012 | SOME_EVENTS_UNAVAILABLE | Some events in the order not available |
2013 | RESOURCE_ID_REQUIRED | The Resource Id is a required field |
2014 | START_TIME_REQUIRED | The Start Time is a required field |
2015 | ORDER_DUPLICATE | The order already exists |
2016 | EVENT_DUPLICATE | The event already exists |
2017 | ORDER_ALREADY_REFUNDED | The order has already been refunded |
2018 | TICKET_DUPLICATE | A ticket with that id already exists |
2019 | ORDER_CANT_REFUND_MANUAL | Manually entered orders cannot be refunded |
2020 | ORDER_CANT_REFUND_OVER_LIMIT | Can not be refunded because the refund is for more than the number of items purchased |
2021 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_IN_USER | Can not delete resource template as it's still being used |
2022 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_ID_REQUIRED | The Resource Template Id is a required field |
2023 | DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME | Duplicate field name |
2024 | RESOURCE_ALREADY_ASSIGNED | The resource is already assigned at that time |
2025 | EMAIL_IN_USE | Email already in use |
2026 | REQUEST_NAME_MISMATCH | The name on the path does not match the name in the body |
2027 | END_TIME_REQUIRED | The End Time is a required field |
2028 | MULTIPLE_SHOPPING_CARTS | Multiple shopping carts for the same visitor |
2029 | COUPON_CATEGORY_RELATIONSHIP_EXISTS | This coupon is already associated with this category |
2030 | COUPON_CODE_REQUIRED | Coupon Code is a required field |
2031 | PARTIAL_PAY_ORDER_REBOOK | Partially paid orders cannot be rebooked. Please refund and create a new order |
2032 | TOO_MANY_TICKETS | Can only process 2000 tickets at once |
2033 | MULTIPLE_VOUCHER_TRANSACTIONS | Multiple Voucher Transactions are applied to this Order |
2034 | POS_CONFIG_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | There is a POS configuration with the specified name |
2035 | POS_CONFIG_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY | Config name can not be empty |
2036 | POS_CONFIG_DELETE_ASSIGNED | Can not delete a POS configuration currently in use |
2037 | POS_CONFIG_MISSING_ARGUMENTS | You need to specify id or terminalId values to get a config |
2038 | MULTIPLE_COUPON_CODES | Multiple Coupon Codes are applied to a Shopping Cart Item |
2039 | DUPLICATE_USER_NAME | Duplicate tenant_users.user_name |
2040 | RESOURCE_TIME_FRAME_REQUIRED | Resource time frame is a required field |
2041 | RESOURCE_TIME_FRAME_ALLOCATION_REQUIRED | Resource time frame allocation is a required field |
2042 | RESOURCE_TIME_FRAME_TYPE_REQUIRED | Resource time frame type is a required field |
2043 | TENANT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_REQUIRED | Please provide a tenant relationship type |
2044 | RELATED_TENANT_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide related tenant id |
2045 | RESOURCE_FIELD_NAME_MISMATCH | The name for the fields array element should be set to null or same as the name of the resource template |
2046 | RESOURCE_FIELDS_SIZE_ERROR | Only one field can be added to the template |
2047 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_CANT_DELETE | The category has organizations associated and can't be deleted |
2048 | SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY | At least one shopping cart item must have positive quantity |
2049 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_USED_IN_EVENT_TEMPLATES_AND_ RESOURCE | This template is being used by Resources or Events. You can add new attributes, but cannot edit any other details while in use. |
2050 | ORDER_CONTAINS_MEMBERSHIP | Order already contains a membership item |
2051 | UNIFIED_CART_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_INCYCLE_MEMBERSHIP_ ACTIONS | Please order membership and other items separately. These need to be completed in separate orders to get the correct pricing |
20152 | DUPLICATE_API_REQUEST | API request is being duplicated or resent |
2052 | POS_CONFIG_ENABLE_CUSTOMER_INPUT_ON_PURCHASE | Enable customer collection for purchases setting is required |
2053 | DUPLICATE_CUSTOMFIELD_ENTRY | A CustomField with that name already exists |
2054 | CART_CANNOT_CONTAIN_MULTIPLE_MEMBERSHIP_ITEMS | A cart cannot contain more than one membership id |
2055 | CANNOT_PROCESS_REFUNDS_IN_UNIFIED_CART | Cannot process refunds in a unified cart |
2056 | DUPLICATE_NAME | Please provide a unique name |
2057 | TENANT_ID_MISMATCH | Tenant Id mismatch |
Session Errors [3001-3010]
Code | Error | Message |
3001 | SESSION_EXPIRED | Your session has expired, please log back in |
3002 | SESSION_REQUIRED | Session is required. Please provide a session |
3003 | UNAUTHORIZED_CALL | You do not have permissions to perform that operation |
3004 | SIGN_IN | Please sign in first |
3005 | INVALID_SESSION | Invalid session |
3006 | INVALID_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN | Could not find a user with that confirmation token |
3007 | INVALID_RECOVERY_TOKEN | Could not find a user with that recovery token |
3008 | ENCRYPTION_ERROR | There was an error during encryption of content |
3009 | RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Too Many Requests, API rate limit exceeded |
3010 | DEPRECATED_API | API being called has been deprecated |
Configuration Errors [4001-4017]
Code | Error | Message |
4001 | CONFIGURATION_ERROR | Your system is not configured correctly |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_GIFT_ CERTIFICATES_REQUIRED | Gift certificates setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_REVIEWS_REQUIRED | Reviews setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_COUPONS_REQUIRED | Coupons setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_MEMBERSHIP_REQUIRED | Membership setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_ALLOW_ AMEX_REQUIRED | Allow AMEX setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_AMEX_ PROCESSOR_REQUIRED | AMEX payment processor setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_PROCESSOR_ REQUIRED | Payment processor setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_SURVEY_ FREQUENCY_REQUIRED | Survey frequency setting is required |
4002 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_ROUNDING_REQUIRED | Rounding setting is required |
4012 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_BILLING_ ADDRESS_REQUIRED | Billing address setting is required |
4013 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_B2B_BILLING_ ADDRESS_REQUIRED | B2B Billing address setting is required |
4014 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_MEMBERSHIP_ SALES_REQUIRED | Membership sales setting is required |
4015 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_ENABLE_CUSTOMER_ INPUT_ON_CHARGE_REQUIRED | Enable customer collection for purchases setting is required |
4016 | TENANT_ADMINISTRATION_EXTERNAL_ SYSTEM_SUPPORTED | External system not supported |
CORS Errors [4200-4202]
Code | Error | Message |
4200 | PUBLISHABLE_KEY_REQUIRED | Publishable key required |
4201 | PUBLISHABLE_KEY_INVALID | Invalid publishable key |
4202 | CORS_DOMAIN_ORIGIN_MISMATCH | CORS domain origin mismatch |
POS Configuration Errors [4018-4020]
Code | Error | Message |
4019 | POS_CONFIGURATION_VO_REQUIRED | The POS configuration cannot be empty |
4020 | POS_CONFIGURATION_TERMINAL_ID_NOT_FOUND | Configuration for terminal ID cannot be found |
Missing or Invalid Values [5000-5176]
Code | Error | Message |
5000 | MISSING_REQUIRED_HEADER | Missing required header value |
5001 | INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE | The index is out of range |
5002 | INVITE_DEACTIVATED_USER | User is deactivated and can not be invited |
5003 | INVITE_EXISTING_USER | User is already on boarded, please recover password if forgotten. |
5004 | INVALID_START_TIME | Invalid start time |
5005 | INVALID_END_TIME | Invalid end time |
5006 | START_BEFORE_END | Start time must be before the end time |
5007 | INVALID_PASSWORD_CHAR | email or password contain a special character that cannot be encrypted |
5008 | INVALID_RESOURCE_CATEGORY | Invalid value for ResourceCategoryEnum |
5009 | NAME_REQUIRED | You must provide a name |
5010 | TYPE_REQUIRED | You must provide a type |
5011 | DATE_REQUIRED | You must provide a date |
5012 | HOURS_REQUIRED | You must provide a value for hours |
5013 | DAYS_OF_WEEK_REQUIRED | Please provide the days of the week |
5014 | ORG_NAME_REQUIRED | Please enter an organization name |
5015 | EMAIL_REQUIRED | Please enter an email address |
5016 | EMAIL_DOMAIN_REQUIRED | Please use a work email address to create an organization account |
5017 | DEPARTMENT_NAME_REQUIRED | Please enter a department name |
5018 | DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED | You must provide a description |
5019 | EVENT_ID_REQUIRED | You must provide an event id |
5020 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_ID_REQUIRED | You must provide an event template id |
5021 | ADD_ON_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a valid add-on id |
5022 | QUANTITY_REQUIRED | Please provide a quantity greater than 0 |
5023 | PRICE_LIST_REQUIRED | Please provide a price list |
5024 | PERSON_TYPE_REQUIRED | Please provide a person type |
5025 | PERSON_TYPE_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a person type id |
5026 | URI_REQUIRED | Please provide a URI |
5027 | CAPACITY_REQUIRED | Please provide a capacity greater than 0 |
5028 | DURATION_REQUIRED | Please provide a valid duration |
5029 | ID_REQUIRED | Please provide an id |
5030 | EFFECTIVE_START_TIME_REQUIRED | Please provide a valid effective start time |
5031 | OPERATION_REQUIRED | Please provide an operation |
5032 | PREREQUISITE_REQUIRED | Please provide at least one prerequisite |
5033 | MIN_LESS_THAN_MAX | Please make your min value less than your max value |
5034 | MINUTES_VALID | Minutes must be greater than or equal to 0 |
5035 | HOURS_VALID | Hours must be greater than or equal to 0 |
5036 | DAYS_VALID | Days must be greater than or equal to 0 |
5037 | CAN_NOT_DELETE_DUE_TO_ OUTSTANDING_TICKETS | Can not delete event because it has outstanding tickets |
5038 | SIGN_IN_ERROR | Incorrect email and/or password |
5039 | EMAIL_DNE | Could not find a visitor with that email |
5040 | PASSWORD_REQUIRED | Please enter a password |
5041 | ACCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide an account id |
5042 | CATEGORY_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a category id |
5043 | DISCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a discount id |
5044 | SCHEDULE_NAME_REQUIRED | Please provide a schedule name |
5045 | NUMBER_REQUIRED | Please provide a number |
5046 | VALUE_REQUIRED | Please provide a value |
5047 | ORDER_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide an order id |
5048 | ORDER_ITEM_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide an order item id |
5049 | KEY_REQUIRED | Please provide a key |
5050 | LABEL_REQUIRED | Please provide a label |
5051 | LINK_REQUIRED | Please provide a link |
5052 | TICKET_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a ticket id |
5053 | INVALID_SORT_ORDER | Invalid SortOrder value. Valid values are |
5054 | INVALID_ID | Invalid value for id |
5055 | INVALID_VERSION | Invalid version |
5056 | NAME_TOO_LONG | The Name you provided is too long |
5057 | VALUE_TOO_LONG | The Value you provided is too long |
5058 | TOO_MANY_CUSTOM_FIELDS | You can have a maximum of three custom fields |
5059 | COUPON_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a coupon id |
5060 | INVALID_COMBO_EVENT_TEMPLATE | The combo contains an invalid |
5061 | EMAIL_STATUS_METADATA_REQUIRED | Email metadata data is required |
5062 | EMAIL_STATUS_TO_REQUIRED | Recipient email address is required |
5063 | EMAIL_STATUS_TYPE_REQUIRED | Email type is required |
5064 | EVENT_REQUIRED | Please provide an event |
5065 | MODIFIED_STATUS_REQUIRED | Please provide a modified status |
5066 | PERSON_TYPE_NOT_FOUND | Person type not found |
5067 | PRICE_LIST_NOT_FOUND | Price list not found |
5068 | EVENT_NOT_FOUND | Event not found |
5069 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND | Event template not found |
5070 | DEPARTMENT_NOT_FOUND | Department not found |
5071 | TERMINAL_NOT_FOUND | Terminal not found |
5072 | REVIEW_NOT_FOUND | Review not found |
5073 | REVIEW_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | Review request not found |
5074 | FIELD_NOT_FOUND | Field not found |
5075 | PREREQUISITE_NOT_FOUND | No prerequisites found |
5076 | RECOMMENDATIONS_NOT_FOUND | No recommendations found |
5077 | CONTACT_NOT_FOUND | Contact not found |
5078 | ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND | Address not found |
5079 | RESOURCE_CATEGORY_REQUIRED | Please provide a resource category |
5080 | CONTACT_NOT_ACTIVE | Contact is not active |
5081 | ORDER_ITEM_REQUIRED | Must convert at least one order item |
5082 | STREET_ADDRESS1_REQUIRED | Please provide a street address |
5083 | CITY_REQUIRED | Please provide a city |
5084 | STATE_REQUIRED | Please provide a state |
5085 | ZIP_REQUIRED | Please provide a ZIP code |
5086 | COUNTRY_REQUIRED | Please provide a country |
5087 | INVALID_SORT_FIELD | Invalid sortField value. Valid values are |
5088 | INVALID_DEFAULT_SORT_FIELD | Invalid default sortField. Valid values are |
5089 | CAN_NOT_DELETE_EVENTTEMPLATE_DUE_TO_ OUTSTANDING_TICKETS | Can not delete event template because it has outstanding tickets |
5090 | TERMINAL_ID_CAN_NOT_BE_NULL | Terminal id can not be null |
5091 | CUSTOMER_IMPORT_ID_DNE | Customer import ID cannot be null |
5092 | MEMBERSHIP_IMPORT_ID_DNE | Membership import ID cannot be null |
5093 | BARCODE_IMPORT_ID_DNE | Barcode import ID cannot be null |
5094 | INVALID_NOTIFICATION_ACTION | Invalid notification action value |
5095 | INVALID_EMAIL_MESSAGE_STATUS | Invalid email notification message status |
5096 | ENTITY_NOT_FOUND | Entity storage not found |
5097 | POS_CONFIG_NO_HEADER_DATA | Standard Header Data not found in entity |
5098 | INVALID_DATA_CHANGE_MESSAGE_INSTANCE | Invalid data change instance |
5099 | INVALID_MESSAGE_INSTANCE | Message is not an instance of EmailMessage |
5100 | MISSING_EMAIL_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD | EmailMessage does not contain a message payload |
5101 | MISSING_DESTINATION_EMAIL | EmailMessage payload does not contain a destination email address |
5102 | EVENT_CANCEL_MESSAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS | Event Cancel Message already exists |
5103 | INVALID_EVENT_CANCEL_STATUS | Invalid event cancel status value |
5104 | INVALID_EVENT_CANCEL_NAME | Invalid event cancel status name |
5105 | EVENT_ALREADY_CANCELLED | Event already cancelled |
5106 | INVALID_EVENT_CANCEL_MESSAGE_INSTANCE | Invalid event cancel message instance |
5107 | CANCEL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_IS_EMPTY | The cancelled event template is empty |
5108 | EVENT_CANCEL_PARAMS_NOT_PRESENT | The request does not contain the event cancel params |
5109 | EVENT_CANCELLED | The event is canceled |
5110 | SENDGRID_ERROR | SendGrid Error |
5111 | PASSWORD_POLICY_ENABLED_REQUIRED | Password security enabled is required |
5112 | PASSWORD_POLICY_LENGTH_REQUIRED | Password security minimum length is required |
5113 | PASSWORD_POLICY_MIXED_CASE_REQUIRED | Password security mixed case is required |
5114 | PASSWORD_POLICY_MIN_DIGITS_REQUIRED | Password security minimum digits is required |
5104 | PASSWORD_POLICY_MIN_SYMBOLS_REQUIRED | Password security minimum symbols is required |
5115 | PASSWORD_POLICY_INVALID_PASSWORD | Invalid password |
5116 | PRINTER_CONFIG_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | Printer config name already exists |
5117 | PRINTER_CONFIG_NAME_REQUIRED | Printer config name is required |
5118 | PRINTER_CONFIG_DEFINITION_REQUIRED | Printer config definition is required |
5119 | PRINTER_CONFIG_STATE_REQUIRED | Printer config state is required |
5120 | PRINTER_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PrinterConfig |
5121 | PRINTER_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | Printer config not found |
5122 | TICKET_CONFIG_NAME_REQUIRED | Ticket config name is required |
5123 | TICKET_CONFIG_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | Ticket config name already exists |
5124 | TICKET_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | Ticket config not found |
5125 | TICKET_CONFIG_ASSIGNED_STATUS_REQUIRED | Ticket assigned status is required |
5126 | PRINTER_CONFIG_TYPE_NOT_VALID | Value is not a valid printer type |
5127 | PRINTER_CONFIG_TYPE_REQUIRED | Printer config type is required |
5128 | TENANT_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | Tenant config not found |
5129 | TICKET_UUID_REQUIRED | Must provide at least one ticket UUID |
5130 | CUSTOM_FIELDS_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND | CustomFields not found |
5131 | CUSTOM_FIELDS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE | CustomFields input validation failed |
5132 | PASS_TEMPLATE_REPUBLISH | Can't republish a pass template |
5133 | PASS_TEMPLATE_CANCELED | Can't update a canceled pass template |
5134 | PASS_TEMPLATE_PUBLISH_DUPE | Can't publish as that would cause duplicates |
5135 | PASS_TEMPLATE_SAVE_DUPE | There are duplicates in the sequences |
5136 | PASS_TEMPLATE_MAX_PASSES | This template would create too many passes |
5137 | PASS_TEMPLATE_DELETE_SCANNED | This template has passes that have been scanned and can't be deleted |
5138 | ENABLE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_REQUIRED | Google Analytics Tracking flag is required |
5139 | ENABLE_GTM_REQUIRED | Google Tag Managerflag is required |
5140 | INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER | Input Parameter Validation Failed |
5141 | INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER_SALE_CHANNEL | Input Parameter Validation Failed for 'saleChannel' |
5142 | INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETER_DONATION_ASPECTS | Input Parameter Validation Failed for 'DonationAspects Enum' |
5143 | INVALID_ENTITY_NAME_PARAMETER | Input Parameter Validation Failed, 'Duplicate Entity Name' |
5144 | MISSING_EMAIL_DATA | Missing EmailData value |
5145 | ORIGIN_REQUIRED | The POS origin is required |
5146 | PAYMENT_REQUIRED | Please provide payment information |
5147 | FULL_PAYMENT_REQUIRED_FOR_ORG | This organization is required to pay in full |
5148 | INVALID_NAME_PARAMETER | Input Parameter Validation Failed For : 'Name' Parameter |
5149 | INVALID_EMAIL_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_CONTEXT_KEY | Invalid email notification message context key |
5150 | DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG | The Description you provided is too long |
5151 | SKU_TOO_LONG | The SKU you provided is too long |
5152 | PRICE_MISSING | You must provide a price |
5153 | INVALID_TYPE | Please provide a valid type |
5154 | APPEAL_NOT_FOUND | Appeal not found |
5155 | CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND | Campaign not found |
5156 | FUND_NOT_FOUND | Fund not found |
5157 | CAPTCHA_FAILED | Captcha failed |
5158 | BARCODE_DNE | Could not find barcode |
5159 | BARCODE_INVALID | Invalid barcode |
5160 | ORDER_NUMBER_INVALID | invalid order number |
5161 | BARCODE_REQUIRED | Barcode required |
5162 | TOO_MANY_BARCODES | Too many barcodes |
5163 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_MISMATCH | This ticket is not valid for this event |
5164 | BARCODE_DUPLICATED | The barcode is a duplicate |
5165 | INVALID_EMAIL | Email is invalid |
5166 | INVALID_FIRST_NAME | First name is invalid |
5167 | INVALID_LAST_NAME | Last name is invalid |
5168 | PERSON_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE | Person type not available |
5169 | INVALID_ORDER_NUMBER | Order number is invalid |
5170 | ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | Error message not allowed |
5171 | INVALID_INITIAL_STATUS | Invalid initial status |
5172 | ERROR_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED | Error code not allowed |
5173 | BARCODE_DEACTIVATE_NOT_NEW | Can only deactivate new barcodes |
5174 | BARCODE_CHECKIN_NOT_NEW | Invalid Ticket |
5175 | CONTACT_TICKET_ISSUER | Contact Ticket Issuer |
5176 | TICKET_ISSUER_INVALID | Invalid Ticket Issuer |
Payment Errors [6000-6011]
Code | Error | Message |
6000 | LEGACY_REFUND | Legacy order credit card refund |
6001 | INVALID_TERMINAL_ID | Invalid terminal id |
6002 | UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_ERROR | Unknown Payment Error |
6003 | DECRYPT_ERROR | Could not decrypt |
6004 | CREDIT_CARD_CHARGE_ERROR | There was an error charging your credit card |
6005 | DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION | Duplicate transaction |
6006 | INSUFFICIENT_MEMBERSHIP | You don't have the required membership to make that purchase |
6007 | UNSUPPORTED_CARD_TYPE | Card type not supported |
6008 | REFUND_NOT_SUPPORTED | Refund is not supported using this operation |
6009 | NO_EXTERNAL_CHARGE_ID | Cannot refund; no external charge id |
6010 | INVALID_PAYMENT_TOKEN | Invalid payment token. Please create a new token to continue |
6011 | INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD | Invalid Payment Method |
Payment Processing Errors [6100-6115]
Code | Error | Message |
6100 | INVALID_NUMBER | Please enter a valid credit card number |
6101 | INVALID_EXPIRY_MONTH | Please enter a valid expiration month |
6102 | INVALID_EXPIRY_YEAR | Please enter a valid expiration year |
6103 | INVALID_CVC | Invalid CVC code |
6104 | INCORRECT_NUMBER | Please enter a valid credit card number |
6105 | EXPIRED_CARD | The card has expired |
6106 | INCORRECT_CVC | Invalid CVC code |
6107 | INCORRECT_ZIP | Please enter the correct ZIP / Postal Code for your credit card |
6108 | CARD_DECLINED | The card was declined |
6109 | MISSING | There is no card on a customer that is being charged |
6110 | PROCESSING_ERROR | An error occurred while processing the card |
6111 | INVALID_EXPIRATION_DATE | The expiration date is invalid |
6112 | INVALID_DEVICE_APP_INFO_ATTRIBUTES | Invalid DeviceAppInfo attributes in request payload |
6113 | INCORRECT_ADDRESS | Please enter the correct billing address for your credit card |
6114 | PAYMENT_PROCESSOR_NOT_CONFIGURED | Payment Processor not configured |
6115 | INVALID_EXT_REF_ID | Invalid extReferenceId parameter, it should not be null and be less than 50 characters long |
Offline Payment Errors [6116-6118]
Code | Error | Message |
6116 | INVALID_OFFLINE | Invalid transaction count, it should not be different from the number of transactions |
6117 | INVALID_STATUS | Cannot transition offline transaction to new status |
6118 | TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | The offline transaction uuid could not be found |
6118 | TRANSACTION_CANNOT_TRANSITION | The offline transaction cannot transition |
Parse Errors [7000-7098]
Code | Error | Message |
7000 | FIELD_DATA_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse FieldData |
7001 | CREATE_TENANT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CreateTenant |
7002 | EQUIPMENT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Equipment |
7003 | FACILITY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Facility |
7004 | RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceSchedule |
7005 | RESOURCE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Resource |
7006 | RESOURCE_USER_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceUser |
7007 | RESOURCE_CAPACITY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceCapacity |
7008 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceTemplate |
7009 | INVENTORY_VO_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse inventory |
7010 | ADD_ON_LIST_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse AddOnList |
7011 | PERSON_TYPE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PersonType |
7012 | PRICE_LIST_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PriceList |
7013 | PRICE_LIST_ENTRY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PriceListEntry |
7014 | PERSON_TYPE_CHILD_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PersonTypeChild |
7015 | EVENT_REVENUE_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventRevenueAnalytics |
7016 | EVENT_REVENUE_METRICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventRevenueMetrics |
7017 | VOUCHER_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Voucher |
7018 | DISCOUNT_ACCOUNT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse DiscountAccount |
7019 | DISCOUNT_VALUE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse DiscountValue |
7020 | DISCOUNT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Discount |
7021 | EVENT_TEMPLATE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventTemplate |
7022 | EVENT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Event |
7023 | EVENT_SCHEDULE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventSchedule |
7024 | SHOPPING_CART_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCart |
7025 | SHOPPING_CART_COMBO_ADD_ON_DETAIL_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartComboAddOnDetail |
7026 | SHOPPING_CART_COMBO_EVENT_DETAIL_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartComboEventDetail |
7027 | SHOPPING_CART_COMBO_ITEM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartComboItem |
7028 | SHOPPING_CART_ITEM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartItem |
7029 | SHOPPING_CART_TICKET_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartTicket |
7030 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse AccountCategory |
7031 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_RELATIONS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse AccountCategoryRelations |
7032 | EVENT_SCHEDULE_DAY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventScheduleDay |
7033 | EVENT_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventAnalytics |
7034 | ACCOUNT_CATEGORY_EVENT_SCHEDULE_RELATIONS_ PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse AccountCategoryEventScheduleRelation |
7035 | VENUE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Venue |
7036 | GIFT_CARD_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse GiftCard |
7037 | TRANSACTION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Transaction |
7038 | TRANSACTION_WITH_ITEMS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TransactionWithItems |
7039 | ORDER_TRANSACTION_AMOUNTS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse OrderTransactionAmounts |
7040 | TRANSACTION_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TransactionAnalytics |
7041 | TRANSACTION_ITEM_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TransactionItemAnalytics |
7042 | TRANSACTION_ITEM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TransactionItemParse |
7043 | AMOUNT_QUANTITY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse AmountQuantity |
7044 | RATE_CARD_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse RateCard |
7045 | RATE_CARD_PRICING_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse RateCardPricing |
7046 | SETTLEMENT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Settlement |
7047 | SALE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SaleChannelAmount |
7048 | SALE_CHANNEL_BY_TYPE_AMOUNT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SaleChannelByTypeAmount |
7049 | SALE_TYPE_AMOUNT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SaleTypeAmount |
7050 | SETTLEMENT_HEADER_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SettlementHeader |
7051 | SETTLEMENT_TRANSACTION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SettlementTransaction |
7052 | SETTLEMENT_TRANSACTION_ITEM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SettlementTransactionItem |
7053 | WHITE_LABEL_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse WhiteLabel |
7054 | TICKET_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TicketConfig |
7055 | POS_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PointOfSaleConfig |
7056 | ORDER_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Order |
7057 | CHECKOUT_INPUT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CheckoutInput |
7058 | ORDER_ITEM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse OrderItem |
7059 | ORDER_SOURCE_TYPE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse OrderSourceType |
7060 | ORDER_EXCEPTION_CODES_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse OrderExceptionCodes |
7061 | EVENT_CAPACITY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventCapacity |
7062 | REPORT_DEFINITION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ReportDefinition |
7063 | REPORT_FIELD_CONFIGURATION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ReportFieldConfiguration |
7064 | REPORT_FIELD_NAME_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ReportFieldName |
7065 | COUPON_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Coupon |
7066 | COUPON_CATEGORY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Coupon Category |
7067 | COUPON_CATEGORY_EVENT_SCHEDULE_RELATIONS_ PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CouponCategoryEventScheduleRelation |
7067 | COUPON_EFFECTIVE_DATES_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CouponEffectiveDates |
7068 | COUPON_CATEGORY_RELATION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CouponCategoryRelation |
7069 | ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_FIELD_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Analytics Custom Fields |
7070 | PAYOUT_WORKFLOW_INPUT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse PayoutWorkflowInputVo |
7071 | PAYOUT_TRANSACTION_INPUT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TenantPayoutTransactionVo |
7072 | PAYOUT_TRANSACTION_STATUS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TenantPayoutTransactionStatusVo |
7073 | EMAIL_STATUS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EmailStatusVo |
7074 | SENDGRID_CALLBACK_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse SendGridCallbackVo |
7075 | TRANSACTION_REPORT_METADATA_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TransactionReportMetadata |
7076 | CUSTOM_REPORT_UPDATE_ERROR | Custom Reports cannot be updated |
7077 | RESERVATION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Reservation |
7078 | REPORT_DATE_RANGE_INVALID | Invalid report date range |
7079 | POS_CONFIG_TILE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TileVo |
7080 | RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceAvailabilityConfigurationVo |
7081 | RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY_DEFINITION_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceAvailabilityDefinitionVo |
7082 | MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY_WITH_NO_DEFAULT_TYPE | The membership category does not have a default type |
7083 | IMAGE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Image Data |
7084 | EMAIL_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Email Message |
7085 | EVENT_RESOURCE_SUMMARY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventResourceSummary |
7086 | EVENT_RESOURCE_REQUEST_SUMMARY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventResourceRequestSummary |
7087 | TENANT_RELATIONSHIPS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse TenantRelationshipsVo |
7088 | RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ResourceTemplateWithAtributesVo |
7089 | ACTION_ENTITY_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Action Entity |
7090 | TRIGGER_BASED_RULE_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Trigger Based Rule |
7091 | MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY_WITH_NO_PRIMARY_TYPE | The membership category does not have a primary type |
7092 | SALE_RULE_SET_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse Sale Rule Set |
7093 | DATE_RANGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Date Range Limit Exceeded, shouldn't be more than a month |
7094 | FORM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse form |
7095 | SHOPPING_CART_FORM_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse ShoppingCartForm |
7096 | EVENT_RESOURCE_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse EventResourceAnalytics |
7097 | FORM_ANALYTICS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse FormAnalytics |
7098 | CHECKOUT_B2B_INPUT_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse CheckoutInputB2B |
Membership Errors [8000-8020, 8030-8043, 8077]
Code | Error | Message |
8000 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
8001 | INTERNAL_TEST_ERROR | Internal Test Error |
8002 | CONCURRENCY_LIMIT_ERROR | Too many concurrent requests, please try again |
8003 | EMAIL_SEND_ERROR | Email send error |
8004 | DUPLICATE_CUSTOMER_ID | Customer ID already exists |
8005 | DUPLICATE_MEMBERSHIP_ID | Membership number conflicts with an existing membership. Please review the membership numbers and their import IDs |
8006 | DUPLICATE_BARCODE_ID | Membership updated, but Barcode ID was found to be a duplicate during load. Future memberships syncing may have resolved the duplicate. Please review. |
8007 | MEMBERSHIP_CARDHOLDERS_DNE | Membership does not contain any cardholders |
8008 | MEMBER_CARD_CREATION_FAILED | Member card creation failed |
8009 | MEMBERSHIP_CREATION_FAILED | Membership creation failed |
8010 | MEMBERSHIP_SOURCE_REQUIRED | membership source required |
8011 | CUSTOMER_SOURCE_REQUIRED | customer source required |
8012 | MEMBERSHIP_STANDING_REQUIRED | membership standing required |
8013 | INVALID_ADDRESS | Address is invalid |
8014 | MEMBERSHIP_DNE | Membership does not exist |
8015 | CANNOT_PUBLISH_MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY_INSTANCE | Membership category instance cannot be published |
8016 | MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_ALREADY_IN_USE | The selected primary type is already being used by the membership level : |
8017 | MEMBERSHIP_ALREADY_EXPIRED | Membership already Expired |
8018 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_INFO | Membership level/offering is invalid |
8019 | MEMBERSHIP_CARDHOLDER_UPDATE_FAILED | Membership cardholder update failed. |
8020 | CARD_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_MEMBERSHIP | Membership card does not contain membership |
8020 | MEMBERSHIP_CARD_DNE | Membership card does not exist |
8030 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_ACTION | Invalid membership action |
8031 | INVALID_DONATION_AMOUNT | Invalid donation amount |
8032 | MEMBERSHIP_NOT_CREATED_IN_ACME | This membership transaction can’t be completed right now. Please contact the membership desk to update your membership. |
8033 | NO_MEMBERSHIP_ITEMS_FOR_CHARGE_PREVIEW | Charges can be previewed only for Membership Cancellation and Downgrade Items |
8034 | MEMBERSHIP_REFERENCED_IN_UPGRADE_DOWNGRADE_RULES | Membership Levels cannot change types ,Regular vs. Auxiliary) or switch between groups when referenced in upgrade or downgrade rules. |
8035 | EXISTING_BILLING_ADDRESS | A Billing address already exists for the customer |
8036 | DUPLICATE_PERSON_TYPE | Person Type already exists |
8037 | MISSING_CUSTOMER_IN_PRIMARY_MEMBERSHIP_CARD | Primary cardholder does not have an associated customer record |
8038 | CUSTOMER_CREATION_FAILED | customer creation failed |
8040 | MEMBERSHIP_NO_PRIMARY_CARD_HOLDER | Membership must have one primary card. The membership was not imported |
8041 | MEMBERSHIP_MULTIPLE_PRIMARY_CARD_HOLDERS | Membership cannot have more than one primary card. The membership was not imported |
8042 | SF_MEMBERSHIP_NO_PRIMARY_CARD_HOLDER | Membership must have one primary card |
8043 | SF_MEMBERSHIP_MULTIPLE_PRIMARY_CARD_HOLDERS | Membership cannot have more than one primary card |
8077 | CUSTOMER_DNE | External Customer does not exist |
Express Errors [8100-8119]
Applies when payment processor is Worldpay Express
Code | Error | Message |
8100 | EXPRESS_PARTIAL_APPROVAL | Partial Approval |
8101 | EXPRESS_DECLINE | Decline |
8102 | EXPRESS_EXPIRED_CARD | Expired Card |
8103 | EXPRESS_DUPLICATE_APPROVED | Duplicate approved |
8104 | EXPRESS_DUPLICATE | Duplicate |
8105 | EXPRESS_PICK_UP_CARD | Pick up card |
8106 | EXPRESS_REFERRAL | Referral / Call Issuer |
8107 | EXPRESS_BALANCE_NOT_AVAILABLE | Balance Not Available |
8108 | EXPRESS_NOT_DEFINED | Not defined |
8109 | EXPRESS_INVALID_DATA | Invalid data |
8110 | EXPRESS_INVALID_ACCOUNT | Invalid account |
8111 | EXPRESS_INVALID_REQUEST | Invalid request |
8112 | EXPRESS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | Authorization Failed |
8113 | EXPRESS_NOT_ALLOWED | Not Allowed |
8114 | EXPRESS_OUT_OF_BALANCE | Out of Balance |
8115 | EXPRESS_COMM_ERROR | Communication error |
8116 | EXPRESS_HOST_ERROR | Host error |
8117 | EXPRESS_UNKNOWN_RESULT | A communication failure occurred with the Element payment processor service, + |
8118 | EXPRESS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | Express service is currently unavailable |
8119 | EXPRESS_ERROR | Error |
Magensa Errors [8120-8141]
Code | Error | Message |
8120 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_5000 | Unknown Error |
8121 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_601 | EncryptedData is required |
8122 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_602 | KSN is required |
8123 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_603 | CustomerCode is required |
8124 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_604 | Username is required |
8125 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_605 | Password is required |
8126 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_606 | EncryptedData is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8127 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_607 | KSN is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8128 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_608 | DataToMac is required |
8129 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_609 | KeyName is required |
8130 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_610 | Track2 is required |
8131 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_611 | MagnePrint is required |
8132 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_612 | Track2 is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8133 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_613 | MagnePrint is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8134 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_614 | MagnePrint Status is required |
8135 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_615 | CustomerTransactionID is not valid Occurs if the length is more than 256 characters. |
8136 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_616 | BillingLabel is not valid Occurs if the length is more than 64 characters. |
8137 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_655 | Track1 is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8138 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_656 | Track3 is not valid Either the value was not HEX, or the value was too long. |
8139 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_701 | Access Denied |
8140 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_702 | Device Not Allowed |
8141 | MAGENSA_DECRYPT_706 | KSID Access Denied |
Payment Errors [8200-8224]
Code | Error | Message |
8200 | PAYMENT_APROOVED | Payment Approval |
8201 | PAYMENT_DECLINED | Partial Approval |
8203 | PAYMENT_ZIP_VALIDATION_FAILED | ZIP Validation Failed |
8204 | PAYMENT_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_FAILED | Address Validation Failed |
8205 | PAYMENT_VALIDATION_FAILED | Validation Failed |
8205 | PAYMENT_CVV_VALIDATION_FAILED | Validation Failed |
8222 | PAYMENT_INVALID_PARAMETERS | Invalid Parameters |
8223 | PAYMENT_HOST_ERROR | Host Communication Error |
8224 | PAYMENT_COMM_ERROR | Communication Error |
Membership Validation Errors [9006-9053]
Code | Error | Description |
9006 | MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CHANGE_ELIGIBILITY_CREATION_FAILED | Membership level change eligibility relationship failed |
9007 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CHANGE_ELIGIBILITY | Invalid membership level change eligibility |
9008 | NOT_A_PUBLISHED_MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL | This membership level is not published : |
9009 | MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CHANGE_ELIGIBILITY_DNE | This membership level change eligibility relationship does not exist: |
9010 | MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CHANGE_ELIGIBILITY_ALREADY_EXISTS | A change eligibility relationship already exists for this level. Please update the existing one. |
9011 | HOUSEHOLD_CREATION_FAILED | Household creation failed |
9012 | HOUSEHOLD_DNE | Household does not exist |
9013 | HOUSEHOLD_CUSTOMER_RELATION_DNE | This customer does not belong to this household |
9014 | MEMBERSHIPID_REQUIRED REQUIRED_PARAMETERS_FOR_MEMBERSHIP_VALIDATION | Membership ID required for this action A membership number or an email is required to perform this action |
9015 | SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CONFLICT ORGANIZATION_IMPORT_ID_DUPLICATED | Conflicting change level relationships found for this source level This organization import ID exists on another organization. |
9016 | HOUSEHOLD_CUSTOMER_RELATION_ALREADY_EXISTS CORPORATE_MEMBERSHIP_ORGANIZATION_IMPORT_ID_REQUIRED | This customer already belongs to this household Organization Import ID is required for corporate memberships |
9017 | MEMBERSHIP_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_REQUIRED CORPORATE_MEMBERSHIP_ARE_ONLY_ALLOWED_FOR_CORP_LEVEL | The member has no registered email address You cannot associate an Organization to an Individual/Family Membership Level |
9018 | MEMBERSHIP_CARD_LAYOUT_NOT_FOUND | The membership card layout does not exist |
9019 | PUBLISHABLE_NAME_REQUIRED | You must provide a name |
9020 | PUBLISHABLE_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | An element with the same name already exists |
9021 | UNKNOWN_REFUND_AMOUNT | The refund amount for this transaction in unknown |
9022 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_RENEWAL | Membership has to be renewed into the same membership level |
9023 | LEVEL_ID_REQUIRED | Please provide a level id |
9024 | WHITE_LABEL_NOT_FOUND | Whitelabel object not found |
9025 | WHITE_LABEL_MEMBERSHIP_CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse membership cofig |
9026 | WHITE_LABEL_OBJECT_REQUIRED | White label object required |
9027 | MEMBERSHIP_VERIFICATION_STATUS_NONEXISTENT | The value is not a valid verification status |
9028 | MEMBERSHIP_VERIFICATION_URL_CONTEXT_TOO_LONG | The URL context for this search is too long |
9029 | CORP_MEMBERSHIP_DNE | Corporate Membership does not exists |
9030 | CONTACT_CUSTOMER_REL_DNE | Contact has no customer associated |
9031 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_DATES | The new membership dates overlaps with the existing one |
9032 | MEMBERSHIP_OFFERING_DNE | The membership offering does not exist or it does not belong to the specified level |
9033 | EXTERNAL_ID_REQUIRED | External ID required |
9034 | EXTERNAL_BARCODE_DNE | External barcode cannot be null |
9035 | ORGANIZATION_MEMBERSHIP_NOT_FOUND | Organization membership not found |
9036 | INVALID_SALE_CHANNEL | Invalid Sale Channel |
9037 | MEMBERSHIP_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_DNE | The name is not a valid Membership Lifecycle Action |
9038 | UNKNOWN_INPUT_VARIABLE | The following values for the current membership are unknown : |
9039 | OFFERING_CANNOT_BE_DELETED | The following offering is tied to existing memberships: |
9040 | NO_ELIGIBLE_LIFECYCLE_ACTION | There are no eligible lifecycle actions to be performed at this time |
9041 | CANNOT_REPLACE_CARD | This membership card cannot be replaced. Please provide the the card ID |
9042 | CANNOT_DELETE_PUBLISHED_LEVEL | Cannot delete a published draft |
9043 | INVALID_MEMBERSHIP_STANDING | Invalid membership standing |
9044 | UPDATED_ONLY_THE_ACTIVE_VERSION_OF_A_MEMBERSHIP | The membership has been updated but there is a pending membership in Acme which has not been updated. Please review to see if future changes will be necessary. |
9045 | RE_TYPE_NOT_MAPPED_TO_AN_OFFERING | This RE program, category and subcategory is not mapped to an Acme membership offering. Please update the mapping in Acme back-office. |
9046 | MEMBERSHIP_ALREADY_CANCELED | Membership already Canceled |
9047 | UNSYNCED_RE_MEMBERSHIP | Cannot take an RE update for a membership that has not been synced with RE |
9047 | FUTURE_MEMBERSHIP_DATE_OVERLAP | This membership was not updated as it conflicts with a pending membership in Acme |
9048 | ENTITLEMENT_EVALUATION_EXCEPTION | Entitlements evaluation must be based on a membership or membership category |
9049 | ENTITLEMENT_VIOLATION | Entitlements have been exceeded |
9050 | DATE_RANGE_REQUIRED | Please provide both fixFrom and fixTo dates |
9051 | ORG_ID_MISMATCH | External and Local Ids does not match |
9052 | CSV_UPLOAD_DISABLED | Tenant has live sync enabled csv upload not allowed |
9053 | MULTIPLE_PRICEPOINTS_FOUND | Cannot determine base price - multiple price points in the target offering |
Collaborator Errors [9054]
Code | Error | Message |
9054 | EXTERNAL_COLLABORATOR_DNE | Collaborator does not exist |
Errors [9048-9059]
Code | Error | Message |
9048 | OBJECT_LOCK_LOCKED | Record locked by other user |
9049 | OBJECT_LOCK_NO_PERMISSION | No permission to perform this action |
9050 | OBJECT_LOCK_LOCKED_SYSTEM | Record locked by other user |
9051 | OBJECT_LOCK_NO_PERMISSION_SYSTEM | No permission to perform this action |
9052 | OBJECT_REQUIRES_LOCK | Record requires lock to save but was not locked by the current user |
9053 | MEMBERSHIP_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_DISCOUNT_DNE | Could not find membership lifecycle action discount |
9054 | COUPON_CATEGORY_ID_REQUIRED | coupon category ID required |
9055 | LIFECYCLE_ACTION_REQUIRED | lifecycle action required |
9056 | LEVEL_INFO_REQUIRED | Membership Level info required |
9056 | OFFERING_INFO_REQUIRED | Membership offering info required |
9057 | NOT_A_PUBLISHED_OFFERING | Not a published Membership offering : |
9058 | COUPON_CODE_CONFLICT | Multiple discounts mapped to this coupon code |
9059 | MULTIPLE_MEMBERSHIP_DISCOUNTS_AVAILABLE | Multiple membership discounts available. Please pick one to proceed |
Errors [9100-9105]
Code | Error | Message |
9100 | AVS_MISSING_ZIPCODE | A ZIP code must be provided |
9101 | AVS_MISSING_ADDRESS | A complete address must be provided |
9102 | COMBINATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | The following parameter combo is not supported |
9103 | INVALID_PRINTER_SELECTION_VALUE | The value is not a valid printer selection option |
9104 | EVENT_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND | The event schedule was not found |
9105 | COULD_NOT_BUILD_JSON_STRING_PRINTER_CONFIG | Could not build JSON String for Printer Config |
Forms Errors [10000-10004, 11000-11018]
Code | Error | Message |
10000 | CHECKOUT_FORMS_REQUIRES_ITEM_ID | Item id is required |
10001 | CHECKOUT_FORMS_REQUIRES_ITEM_TYPE | Item type is required |
10002 | CHECKOUT_FORMS_REQUIRES_FORMS | Forms are required |
10003 | ORDER_FORMS_PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse OrderForm |
10004 | ORDER_FORMS_INVALID_ITEM_TYPE | The value is not a valid item type |
11000 | FORM_ID_REQUIRED | Form id is required |
11001 | FORM_NAME_REQUIRED | Form name is required |
11002 | FORM_NUMBER_REQUIRED | Form number is required |
11003 | FORM_TYPE_REQUIRED | Form type is required |
11004 | FORM_SOURCE_REQUIRED | Form source is required |
11005 | FORM_SOURCE_FORM_ID_REQUIRED | Source form id is required |
11006 | FORM_SOURCE_FORM_URL_REQUIRED | Source form url is required |
11007 | FORM_SOURCE_FORM_RESPONSE_ID_REQUIRED | Source form response id name is required |
11008 | FORM_RESPONSE_DATA_REQUIRED | Response data is required |
11009 | FORM_SUBMISSION_DATE_REQUIRED | Submission date is required |
11010 | FORMS_NOT_FOUND | No forms found |
11011 | FORM_NAME_EXISTS | Form same name already exists |
11012 | FORM_RESPONSE_ID_REQUIRED | Form response id is required |
11013 | FORM_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND | Form response data not found |
11014 | FORM_PROPERTY_NOT_VALID | The value is not a form property |
11015 | FORM_PREFERERENCES_REQUIRED | Form preferences are required |
11016 | FORM_PROPERTIES_B2C_REQUIRED | Form properties for B2C are required |
11017 | FORM_PROPERTIES_POS_REQUIRED | Form properties for POS are required |
11018 | FORM_DNE | Form does not exist |
Errors [12000-12013]
Code | Error | Message |
12000 | CUSTOM_FORM_FIELDS_LABEL | Custom form field label is required |
12001 | CUSTOM_FORM_FIELDS_NAME | Custom form field name is required |
12002 | INVALID_COUPONS_IN_CART | Cart contains invalid or conflicting coupons |
12003 | CANNOT_MODIFY_A_PUBLISHED_VERSION | Cannot create or update a published version. Please add changes to the draft and publish it |
12004 | FORM_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_DRAFT | Source form cannot be a draft version of a form |
12004 | ENTITLEMENTS_DNE | Entitlements does not exist |
12005 | ENTITLEMENTS_EVENT_TEMPLATE_ID_CONFLICT | Conflicting event template Ids found in entitlements |
12006 | ENTITLEMENTS_CONFIG_DNE | Entitlements does not exist |
12006 | PUBLISHED_FORM_DNE | Published form does not exist |
12007 | MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_REQUIRED | Membership levels are required |
12007 | MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_COLLECTION_ALREADY_IN_USE | Collection already in use |
12008 | INVALID_ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_SENDRESULT | Invalid error message for SendResult |
12008 | NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | Name already exists |
12009 | CANNOT_DELETE_PUBLISHED_VERSION | Cannot delete a published version |
12009 | VALID_BASE_MEMBERSHIP_REQUIRED | A valid base membership is required to purchase an Auxiliary. |
12010 | MULTIPLE_MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_COLLECTION_USAGE | A membership level can only be mapped to one group |
12011 | MULTIPLE_BASE_MEMBERSHIPS_FOUND | Multiple base memberships found. |
12011 | ACME_DEFAULT_REPORT_LOCK | Cannot custom the locked report |
12012 | INSUFFICIENT_INFO_FOR_PRIMARY_CARDHOLDER | Something went wrong. Please try again and complete all required fields |
12013 | EXPIRED_COUPON | The coupon is no longer valid |
12013 | CARD_CANNOT_EXPIRE_AFTER_MEMBERSHIP | The secondary cardholders |
Event Template Purchase Availability Errors [13000-13008]
Code | Error | Message |
13000 | PURCHASE_TIME_FRAME_REQUIRED | Purchase availability time frame is required |
13001 | UNSUPPORTED_SALE_RULE | For each action is not supported for sale rule |
13002 | PRICEPOINT_REQUIRED | Atleast one pricepoint is required |
13003 | PRICEPOINT_DNE | Could not find pricepoints) |
13004 | TIMEFRAME_UNSUPPORTED | TimeFrame is currently not supported for this type of rule |
13005 | CONFLICTING_SALE_RULE | You can have only one limit per pricepoint in a limit rule |
13006 | CANNOT_UPDATE_REPLACED_MEMBERSHIP | Cannot update a replaced membership |
13007 | INVALID_EXTERNAL_ID | Invalid external Id |
13008 | INVALID_ACME_AND_EXTERNAL_ID | Invalid acme and external Id |
ACME Payments Errors [16000-16003]
Applies when using ACME Payments as processor
Code | Error | Message |
16003 | DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION_FOUND | Duplicate transaction found |