- List Event Templates
- List Template Times
- List All Times
- List Event Templates (Slim)
- Get Event Template
- Get Activity Calendar
- Get Activity Calendar for Template
- Event Template Object
- Prerequisite JSON Object (DEPRECATED)
- Recommendations JSON Object
- AddOn List JSON Object
- Event Time Object
- Example Event Template JSON
APIs to help you market your events. Like getting a calendar of days that the event is available and not sold out.
List Event Templates
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates
- startTime: (Optional) ISO8601, filters event templates that have instances after this start date. When not provided all templates are returned.
- endTime: (Optional, used only with start date. Defaults to 11:59 in the tenant's timezone for the same day as startTime) ISO8601, filters event templates that have instances before this end date
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the event templates you are looking for.
- type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
- membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
A list of event templates in the same format as B2C Event Templates
List Template Times
List the times for events of a specified event template
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{id}/times
- id: (Required) the template id you want to list the times for.
- startTime: (Optional, defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after.
- endTime: (Optional, defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before.
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the events you are looking for.
- saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel you are listing the times for. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
- type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- comboTemplateId (Optional) The combo template Id contains a list of templates.
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for times for schedules that are only accessible to memberships to be returned.
- membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for times for schedules that are only accessible to memberships to be returned.
A list of event time objects.
List All Times
List the times for events for all templates.
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/times
- startTime: (Optional, defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after.
- endTime: (Optional, defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before.
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the events you are looking for.
- saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel you are listing the times for. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
- type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for times for schedules that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. Not implemented yet, subject to change.
- membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for times for schedules that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. Not implemented yet, subject to change.
A list of event times bucketed by template in this format.
- List of templates
- templateId
- times: list of events
- id: the id of the event
- date: string representation of the date.
- time: string representation of the time
- seatsAvailable: integer, the number of seats still available for this time.
- startTime: ISO8601 representation of the start time for this event
- times: list of events
- templateId
[ { "templateId" : "123" , "times" [ { "id" : "789" , "date" : "Mon, Nov 17, 2018" , "time" : "9:30 AM EST" , "seatsAvailable" : 100, "startTime" : "2014-11-18T09:30:00-05:00" }, ... ] }, { "templateId" : ... } ] |
List Event Templates (Slim)
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/slim
- startTime: (Optional) ISO8601, filters event templates that have instances after this start date. When not provided all templates are returned.
- endTime: (Optional, used only with start date. Defaults to 11:59 in the tenant's timezone for the same day as startTime) ISO8601, filters event templates that have instances before this end date
- type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel for the template. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
- membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the event templates you are looking for.
A list of Event Template List objects (see the List/Slim column on the Event Template object)
Get Event Template
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{id}
- id: (Required) the id of the event you want.
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the event you are looking for.
- saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel for the template. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
- membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts.
The requested event template in the same format as B2C Event Templates
Get Activity Calendar
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/calendar
- startTime: (Optional, defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after.
- endTime: (Optional, defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before.
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the event you are looking for.
saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel you are listing the times for. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for only showing days that a membership has events. It's possible that there are events available only available to members on some days.
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for only showing days that a membership has events. It's possible that there are events available only available to members on some days.
An Activity Calendar
- Array of days. Each day in the array contains
- date: ISO8601 representation of the date
- name: Future will be the name of the date if it's a holiday.
- active: Boolean, true if there are events on that day, otherwise false.
Get Activity Calendar for Template
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{id}/calendar
- id: the id of the template.
- startTime: (Optional, defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after.
- If there are no if no events are found in the specified date range, the API will return two months worth of data following the first event's start date.
- endTime: (Optional, defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before.
- saleChannel: (Optional) the sale channel you are listing the times for. Any one of (online, customerRep, pointOfSale and manualEntry)
x-b2c-tenant-id: (Required) (Header) tenant ID for the owner of the event you are looking for.
type (Optional) one of private, standard or all. If left off or standard then will not return events that were made for private event templates.
- membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for only showing days that a membership has events. It's possible that there are events available only available to members on some days.
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for only showing days that a membership has events. It's possible that there are events available only available to members on some days.
An Activity Calendar
- Array of days. Each day in the array contains
- date: ISO8601 representation of the date
- name: Future will be the name of the date if it's a holiday.
- active: Boolean, true if there are events on that day, otherwise false.
Event Template Object
Field | Description | List/Slim | Notes |
id | Unique ID of this event template. | x | Required for updates |
type | Type of event template, either Standard or Private, default is Standard. | x | |
admissionType | Either generalAdmission or standard, default is standard. | ||
name | The name of this event template. | x | Required |
description | The description of the event template | x | Required |
shortDescription | A summary description of this template. Default is the first 300 characters of the description. | x | |
startTime | The time that this event template starts.
| x | ISO-8601 |
endTime | The end time for the event.
| x | |
duration | The length in time that each event will take. | Required | |
duration.hour | The number of hours that each event will take. | ||
duration.minutes | The number of minutes that each event will take. | ||
capacity | The maximum capacity that each event will support. | Required. | |
emailConfirmationMessage | A message to be added to the emails sent to customers when they purchase events of this template. | x | |
resources | A list of resource specifications for this event. For instance if the event requires a tour guide that speaks French you would specify Tour Guide as the resource type and Language : French as a field definition. See Resource Management for more information. | ||
resource[x].type | The type of resource, like Tour Guide. | ||
resource[x].resourceTemplateId | The ID of the resource template. | ||
resource[x].resourceId | The id of the resource assigned to this event template. Generally this will be null and assigned at the event instance level. | ||
resource[x].quantity | The number of resources that will be required. | ||
resource[x].fields | Name/Value pairs of requirements for resources assigned to Event Instances. For instance { Language=French }. | ||
resource[x].fields[y].name | The name for the field, like Language. | ||
resource[x].fields[y].value | The value for the field, like French. | ||
schedules | The schedules for this event template. These schedules will be used to generate events of this template. See Scheduling JSON for examples. | x | |
priceLists | The list of price lists for this template. | x | |
images | The images used for this template. | x | |
images[x].id | The id of the image. | x | |
images[x].description | A description of the image | x | |
images[x].primary | Boolean value for whether this is the primary image, which is displayed when listing the event template. true if this is a primary image (the logo image), false otherwise. Default false. | x | |
prerequisites | The list of events that need to be attended before this event can be attended. See Prerequisites JSON Object below. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.operation | Either allOf or anyOf.
| x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires | A list of requirements. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].eventTemplateId | Template id of the required template. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].min | Buffer time to allow between the end of the required template to the dependent template. The amount of time it takes to get from the required event to the dependent template. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].min.minutes | The number of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].min.hours | The hours of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].min.days | The days of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].min.endOfDay | Boolean value if set to true then will go to the end of the day for the number of days. So if you must have performed this prerequisite any time yesterday you set the min time to be 1 days and endOfDay to true. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].max | Maximum amount of time to allow. You have to finish the required template less than this amount of time before you can take the dependent template. For instance if the required event is a daily pass, the max time might be 1 days and endOfDay. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].max.minutes | The maximum number of minutes that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].max.hours | The maximum number of hours that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].max.days | The maximum number of days that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].max.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. If it's a three day pass for instance you might set the days to 3 and endOfDay to true so that you go the entire way through the third day. | x | This object is deprecated |
prerequisites.requires[x].name | The name of the prerequisite template. | x | This object is deprecated Read Only |
recommendations | The list of events that are recommended after buying this event. See Recommendations JSON Object below. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations | The list of recommendations. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .eventTemplateId | Template ID to recommend after this one has been added to the shopping cart. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .min | Amount of time it takes to get from this event to the recommended event. We won't recommend events that happen too early and make it difficult to get from the current event to the recommended event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .min.minutes | Minimum number of minutes to allow between this event and the recommended event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .min.hours | Minimum number of hours to allow between this event and the recommended event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .min.days | Minimum number of days to allow between this event and the recommended event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .min.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. If the two events were both physically stressful and you wouldn't recommend doing them both on the same day then you might set the number of days to 1 and this value to true to recommend that they come back tomorrow for the recommended event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .max | Maximum amount of time to recommend the new event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .max.minutes | Maximum number of minutes to recommend the second event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .max.hours | Maximum hours of minutes to recommend the second event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .max.days | Maximum days of minutes to recommend the second event. | x | |
recommendations.recommendations[x] .max.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. | x | |
reviewState | Either Draft or Published, default is Draft. Keep your event template in Draft mode until you are ready to start selling events of this template. Once you put in Published mode the events will be generated and available on ACME's consumer website. You can not go back to Draft mode after you've Published. | ||
GLCode | General ledger value. | ||
addOns | Add on inventory items available for events of this template. | x | |
addOns.inventoryIds | A list of the inventory ids that are available as add-ons for this event template. | x | |
addOns.inventoryAddOns | A descriptive list of the add-ons for this event template. Read Only, for display purposes only. | x | Read Only |
ticketDetails | Details used when generating tickets for events of this template. | ||
ticketDetails.ticketDurationDays | The number of days that tickets generated for events of this template will be valid. | ||
ticketDetails.checkInWindow | Details about when visitors can check in with tickets for events of this template. | ||
ticketDetails.checkInWindow.minutesBefore | The number of minutes before the event start time that the ticket can be scanned. | ||
ticketDetails.checkInWindow.minutesAfter | The number of minutes after the event start time that the ticket can be scanned. | ||
ticketDetails.checkInWindow.blockScan | Boolean value, set to true if you don't want scanning of tickets created by this event template at the Venue. The tickets will not contain a barcode. | ||
ticketDetails.checkInWindow.autoRebook | Tickets of this template can be automatically rebooked upon scanning at Access Control. New event must have enough capacity and be of the same event template. Default - false. | ||
ticketDetails.purchaseAvailability | When is the event available for sale | ||
ticketDetails.purchaseAvailability.timeFrame | Valid values are 'when', 'before' and 'after' | ||
ticketDetails.purchaseAvailability.minutes | When timeFrame of 'before' or 'after' are used, specify how many minutes. If timeFrame is 'when', minutes is implied to be 0. | ||
ticketDetails.ticketPrintLines | A set of lines that you want printed on the bottom of tickets generated for this event template. | ||
ticketDetails.hideEventDate | Set to true if you don't want the date and time of the event to appear on the tickets. This is useful when the tickets are valid for multiple days. | ||
emailNotify | A list of people to notify when a purchase happens on an event generated by this template. This is particularly good when you are selling tickets to a third party event. | ||
emailNotify[x].name | Name of the person being notified. | ||
emailNotify[x].email | Email address of the person being notified. | ||
membership | The membership elements of the event template. What memberships are required, what discounts different memberships are eligible for. | ||
membership.restrictions | A list of membership categories that are eligible for this event template. Gives the ability to create events that require specific levels of membership before you can attend. | x | |
membership.restrictions[x].id | The ID of the membership category that you are allowing access to this event template | x | |
membership.restrictions[x].name | The name of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x].description | The description of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .defaultType | The defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] | The id of the defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .defaultType.program | The program of the defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .defaultType.category | The category of the defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .defaultType.subcategory | The subcategory of the defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .defaultType.level | The level of the defaultType of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types | A list of membership types that are part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types[y].id | The id of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types[y].program | The program of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types[y].category | The category of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types[y].subcategory | The subcategory of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.restrictions[x] .types[y].level | The level of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.discounts | A list of discounts associated with each membership. | x | |
membership.discounts[x] .category | The membership category associated with this discount. | x | |
membership.discounts[x] | The id of the membership category you are giving a discount. | x | |
membership.discounts[x] | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.description | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.defaultType | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.defaultType.program | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.defaultType.category | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.defaultType.subcategory | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.defaultType.level | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types[y].id | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types[y].program | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types[y].category | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types[y].subcategory | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .category.types[y].level | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount | The id of the membership type which is part of the membership category. | x | Read Only |
membership.discounts[x] | The id of the discount you are giving this membership category.. | x | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.code | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.description | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values[y].personTypeId | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values[y].personType | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values[y]discountType | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values[y].value | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x] .discount.values[y].tag | x | Read Only | |
membership.discounts[x].maxTickets | The maximum number of tickets this member can purchase at this discounted value. | x | Read Only |
soldQuantity | The total number of tickets sold for events of this template. | x | Read Only |
stars | the total number of stars that the event has received in ratings by customers. To get the average number of stars, divide this number by the number of ratings below. | x | Read Only |
ratings | the total number of ratings that the event has received by customers. To get the average number of stars, divide the number of stars by this number. | x | Read Only |
available | True if the event template is available based on the membership provided. If false the visitor doesn't meet the required membership level. | x | Read Only |
customFields | List of custom fields available for the template and values set for each custom field. Note: the list of custom fields for templates can be obtained by the following api: v2/tenant/settings/custom/fields?pageSize=-1&page=1&sortField=name&sortDirection=asc (GET) | || | name of custom field (corresponds to the "label" property of custom fields obtained from the v2/tenant/settings/custom/fields API) | ||
customField.value | value of custom field | ||
entitlementConfiguration | entitlementConfiguration object: contains information about the membership entitlements and ticket rules associated with this template |
Prerequisite JSON Object (DEPRECATED)
Field | Description | Notes |
operation | Either allOf or anyOf.
| |
requires | A list of requirements. | |
requires[x].eventTemplateId | Template id of the required template. | |
requires[x].min | Buffer time to allow between the end of the required template to the dependent template. The amount of time it takes to get from the required event to the dependent template. | |
requires[x].min.minutes | The number of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | |
requires[x].min.hours | The hours of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | |
requires[x].min.days | The days of minutes that you must have completed the prerequisite before you can buy tickets for this event. | |
requires[x].min.endOfDay | Boolean value if set to true then will go to the end of the day for the number of days. So if you must have performed this prerequisite any time yesterday you set the min time to be 1 days and endOfDay to true. | |
requires[x].max | Maximum amount of time to allow. You have to finish the required template less than this amount of time before you can take the dependent template. For instance if the required event is a daily pass, the max time might be 1 days and endOfDay. | |
requires[x].max.minutes | The maximum number of minutes that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | |
requires[x].max.hours | The maximum number of hours that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | |
requires[x].max.days | The maximum number of days that you have after taking this prerequisite before going to the next event. | |
requires[x].max.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. If it's a three day pass for instance you might set the days to 3 and endOfDay to true so that you go the entire way through the third day. | |
requires[x].name | The name of the prerequisite template. | Read Only |
Recommendations JSON Object
Field | Description | Notes |
eventTemplateId | Template ID to recommend after this one has been added to the shopping cart. | |
min | Amount of time it takes to get from this event to the recommended event. We won't recommend events that happen too early and make it difficult to get from the current event to the recommended event. | |
min.minutes | Minimum number of minutes to allow between this event and the recommended event. | |
min.hours | Minimum number of hours to allow between this event and the recommended event. | |
min.days | Minimum number of days to allow between this event and the recommended event. | |
min.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. If the two events were both physically stressful and you wouldn't recommend doing them both on the same day then you might set the number of days to 1 and this value to true to recommend that they come back tomorrow for the recommended event. | |
max | Maximum amount of time to recommend the new event. | |
max.minutes | Maximum number of minutes to recommend the second event. | |
max.hours | Maximum hours of minutes to recommend the second event. | |
max.days | Maximum days of minutes to recommend the second event. | |
max.endOfDay | Boolean value for whether the the time period is extended to the end of the day. |
AddOn List JSON Object
Field | Description | Notes |
inventoryIds | List of inventory ids | |
inventoryAddOns | List of filled in inventory objects | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].id | id of the inventory item. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].name | The name of the inventory Item. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].description | The description of the inventory Item. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].sku | The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for the inventory item. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].price | The price of the inventory item. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].quantity | The number of inventory items available. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].type | The type of inventory item one of (doNotTrack, consumable or resource). | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].displayOrder | The order you want this item displayed in when you list the add ons. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].createdOn | The date that this item was created. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].updatedOn | The time that this item was created. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].salesChannels | A list of sales channels specifying which sales channels are enabled for this add on. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].salesChannels[y].name | Name of the channel. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].salesChannels[y].channel | Label of the channel. | Read Only |
inventoryAddOns[x].salesChannels[y].enabled | Boolean value, true if enabled otherwise false. | Read Only |
Event Time Object
Field | Description | Notes |
id | the id of the event | |
date | string representation of the date. | |
time | string representation of the time | |
availableSeats | integer, the number of seats still available for this time. | |
startTime | SO8601 representation of the start time for this event | |
addOns | ||
addOns.inventoryIds | A list of inventory Ids. | |
addOns.inventoryAddOns | A list of AddOn items. The Addon Object can be found here |
Example Event Template JSON