Get a Payment Token

POST /v2/b2b/paymentToken


A Payment Token object with the following fields populated

  • saleChannel
  • paymentData.manualEntryCardNumber
  • paymentData.expDate

Sample Request


A Payment Token object with the following fields populated

  • uuid
  • saleChannel
  • paymentProcessor
  • usage

AVS is optional but will be enforced according to the B2C AVS configuration set in back office. If addresses are not required but provided, AVS will still run.

Sample Response

Delete a PaymentToken

Delete /v2/b2b/paymentToken/{uuid}


  • uuid of the payment token


The Payment Token object that was deleted

Payment Token JSON Object

All fields read only except where otherwise stated

saleChannelOnline, Pos, KioskRequired for create
uuidunique identifier to be passed in at B2C Checkout - DEPRECIATED in the "paymentProcessorToken" field
paymentProcessor(Vantiv/Stripe/Express) payment processor - should always be the same as the tenant's
usagethe number of times this token has been usedshould never exceed 1 for v1
paymentDatapayment data

Required for create

Create only

paymentData.manualEntryCardNumbercard number
paymentData.expDateexpirationDate (MMYY)API only validates formatting. Express does not validate the value either, so if value validation is required, it should be done before calling the API
paymentData.cvccard verification codeOptional
paymentData.creditCardVerificationDatafor AVS checks

Optional for create

Create only

paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.address1address1 for AVS check
paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.address2address2 for AVS check
paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.countrycountry for AVS check
paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.citycity for AVS check
paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.statestate for AVS check
paymentData.creditCardVerificationData.zipCodezipCode for AV checkAVS check will run as long as there is a valid zip code