The Transactions Data Source is the primary source for transaction reporting within ACME. Common use cases for Transactions Data Source reporting include sales for an event, sales for a specific customer, refunds over a period of time,revenue and sales data for a period of time, and related use cases. The table below lists the fields available within the Transactions Data Source and their respective definitions.
OrganizationAddress1 | The street address of the organization |
OrganizationAddress2 | The second line of the street address of the organization |
OrganizationCategoryName | The category name of the organization |
OrganizationCity | The city of the organization's address |
OrganizationName | The name of the organization |
OrganizationState | The state of the organization's address |
OrganizationZip | The zip code of the organization's address |
AcmeCustomerToken | A custom token that attempts to identify this customer, this token is close to 98% accurate in identifying this customer |
CreditCardBrand | The brand of credit card that was used |
CreditCardLast4Digits | The last four digits of the credit card |
DiscountedTransactionAmount | Total amount of the transaction after discounts are applied |
DiscountedTransactionValue | Sum of discounts applied to the transaction |
ExternalChargeId | The payment processor's id for this charge |
IncidentNumber | ID generated for a refund |
ParentTransactionId | The id of the parent transaction. A payment transaction will generally have a sale transaction as its parent, this id is used to associate transactions with each other. |
PaymentDueDate | The date that the payment is due |
PaymentId | The id of the payment (includes vouchers and checks when applicable) |
PaymentMethod | The method of payment; values are CreditCard, Cash, Check, Voucher |
PaymentStatus | The status of the payment, one of Processed, Settled, Failed, Pending or Due |
SaleChannel | The channel in which the sale originated; values are Online, Customer Rep, Pos, Reseller, InsideSalesIndividual or Kiosk. Note: Organization orders are 'reseller'. |
Workstation | The terminal in which the order was placed. |
TransactionAmount | The amount of the transaction prior to any discounts |
SaleDate | The date that the sale took place |
TransactionId | The unique Id of this transaction |
TransactionIncidentReasonCode | The reason for this transaction - used for refunds (e.g. "Canceled Event", "Rebooked Event" or "Misc") |
TransactionNotes | Any notes that were entered for this transaction |
TransactionType | The type of transaction; values are Payment, NoPayment, Refund, Sale, ChargeBack, ChargeBack Reversal, ManualEntry, Rebook, RefundSale, RebookRefundSale, RebookPaymentSale, RebookRefundAdjustSale, RebookPaymentAdjustSale, RebookRefund, RebookPayment, RebookRefundAdjustment, RebookPaymentAdjustment, PaymentAdjustment or RefundAdjustment. |
TransactionUserName | The person signed into the Point of Sale application who completed the order or the customer rep that completed the order in backoffice. |
TransactionItem (array of items associated with this transaction)
AddOnType | The type of add-on of this transaction item, one of null, doNotTrack, consumable, resource, donation, fixedDonation or membershipCardReplacement. |
Coupon Code | The line item coupon code used for this transaction |
CouponName | The name of the line item coupon that was used on this transaction item. |
CouponResellerName | The name of the Organization associated with the Coupon when the Coupon was created. |
ItemIncidentReasonCode | The reason for this transaction - used for refunds (e.g. "Canceled Event", "Rebooked Event" or "Misc") |
ItemName | The name of the item |
OrderItemType | The type of this order item; values are: Event, Inventory, Combo, ComboInventory, RebookingFee, MembershipPurchase, MembershipRenewal, MembershipUpgrade, MembershipDowngrade, MembershipCancel, MembershipPostTermRenewal, MembershipRejoin, MembershipRenewalUpgrade, MembershipPostTermRenewalUpgrade, MembershipRejoinUpgrade, MembershipPostTermRenewalDowngrade, MembershipRejoinDowngrade, MembershipRenewalDowngrade, MembershipPurchaseConversion, MembershipReplacement or Donation |
PricePointName | The name of the ticket type, e.g. Adult, Child or Senior |
SaleType | Individual or Group |
TransactionItemId | The unique Id of this transaction item |
Event (array of events/tickets associated with this transaction)
AddOn | The name of the AddOn if this is an add-on associated with an event |
Amount | The total amount for this item |
DiscountCode | The discount code associated with this event or ticket |
DiscountedAmount | The discounted total amount |
DiscountedUnitPrice | The discounted ticket amount |
DiscountName | The name of the discount |
DiscountTag | When setting up a discount, you can set a tag for each ticket type. This is the discount tag associated with this ticket type |
DiscountValue | The amount of the discount expressed in dollars |
Event GL Code | The field value of the Identifier Code field on the Event Template |
EventId | The id of the event in which these tickets/add-ons are associated |
EventName | The name of the event |
EventStartTime | The date of the event |
FlexPay | True if flex pay was used, otherwise false |
PaymentAmount | The amount of payment that's been applied to these tickets |
Quantity | The number of tickets |
RuleSetName | Deprecated |
TicketType | The ticket type, e.g. Adult, Child or Senior |
UnitPrice | The price of each ticket prior to any discounts |
GLCode | Deprecated |
GLCodeDeferred | Deprecated |
OrderAmount | The total amount of the order |
OrderBalance | The amount of the order that has yet to be paid |
OrderCreationDate | The date that the order was made |
OrderId | The unique id associated with this order - generally used for API reference |
OrderItemId | The list of order items associated with this transaction |
OrderNumber | The order number associated with this transaction |
OrderRequestItemExtReferenceId | If this transaction is associated with an order request then this is the venue's unique id of the order request |
OrderRequestNumber | If this transaction is associated with an order request then this is the order request number associated with this transaction |
Address1 | First line of the street address |
Address2 | Second line of the street address |
BillingAddress1 | The first line of the street address for the person paying for this order. |
BillingAddress2 | The second line of the street address for the person paying for this order. |
BillingCity | The city of the person paying for this order. |
BillingCountry | The country of the person paying for this order. |
BillingEmail | The email of the person paying for this order. |
BillingFirstName | The first name of the person paying for this order. |
BillingLastName | The last name of the person paying for this order. |
BillingPhoneNumber | The phone number of the person paying for this order. |
BillingState | The state/province of the person paying for this order. |
BillingZipCode | The zip/post code of the person paying for this order. |
City | The city of the person placing the order |
ContactFirstName | The first name of the person placing the order |
ContactLastName | The last name of the person placing the order |
Country | The country of the person placing the order |
The email of the person placing the order | |
PhoneNumber | The phone number of the person placing the order |
State | The state/province of the person placing the order |
ZipCode | The zip/post code of the person placing the order |
NetAmount | Amount after the settlement fee is applied |
NetTransactionAmount | Amount after the settlement fee is applied |
PurchaseType | Single Venue of Combo Ticket |
ServiceFeeAmount | The fee amount that was charged |
ServiceFeePercentage | The fee percentage that was charged |
SettlementID | Unique ID of the settlement |
TenantPaymentStatus | The status of the payment to your venue:
TransactionServiceFee | The fee amount that was charged |
TransactionServiceFeePercentage | The fee percentage that was charged |
AuxiliaryGroupName | Name of the Auxiliary group the Auxiliary membership to which the membership is associated |
AuxiliaryMembership | True/False. Indicates whether the membership is an auxiliary |
ItemAuxiliaryGroupName | Name of the Auxiliary group the Auxiliary membership to which the membership is associated |
ItemAuxiliaryMembership | True/False. Indicates whether the membership is an auxiliary |
ItemMembershipLevelName | Name of the membership level |
ItemMembershipNumber | Membership number used for member verification when purchasing the item |
ItemMembershipOfferingName | Name of the membership offering |
MembershipAttributeCategory | |
MembershipExternalId | Membership number used for member verification |
MembershipId | Database ID for the membership record |
MembershipLevelName | Name of the membership level purchased |
MembershipNumber | Membership number used for member verification |
MembershipOfferingName | Name of the membership offering purchased |
MembershipPrimaryFirstName | First name of the primary cardholder |
MembershipPrimaryLastName | Last name of the primary cardholder |
MembershipPrimaryOrgName | Name of the Organization (only for Corporate Memberships) |
EventTemplateCustomField1 | Custom field assigned to the event template. |
EventTemplateCustomField2 | Custom field assigned to the event template. |
EventTemplateCustomField3 | Custom field assigned to the event template. |
EventTemplateCustomField4 | Custom field assigned to the event template. |
EventTemplateCustomField5 | Custom field assigned to the event template. |
A custom field value for an event will inherit from the template. A user can override this value if needed.
EventCustomField1 | Custom field assigned to the event instance |
EventCustomField2 | Custom field assigned to the event instance |
EventCustomField3 | Custom field assigned to the event instance |
EventCustomField4 | Custom field assigned to the event instance |
EventCustomField5 | Custom field assigned to the event instance |
CustomerAddressCity | |
CustomerAddressCountry | |
CustomerAddressState | |
CustomerAddressStreet1 | |
CustomerAddressStreet2 | |
CustomerAddressSuburb | |
CustomerAddressZip | |
CustomerEmail | |
CustomerExternalImportId | |
CustomerFirstName | |
CustomerId | |
CustomerLastName | |
CustomerPhoneNumber | |
CustomerSource |
DonationAppealName | |
DonationCampaignName | |
DonationFundName |