The following API calls enable you to find and display information related to events configured for ticket sales, such as a calendar of days with events still available for sale and the event details to display to the visitor.
Event Templates are the basis for all Event sales in ACME. Learn more with Event Template Basics.
Header Parameters
B2C endpoints have required headers for all calls. See Header Parameters for more detail.
For response codes, see API Response Codes and Error Messages
For each endpoint below, we provide a brief overview of what it does, the required and optional parameters, as well as an example request and response.
List Event Templates | GET /v2/b2c/event/templates |
List Event Templates (Slim) | GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/slim |
Get a Single Event Template | GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID} |
List Events for a Single Template (with ticket counts) | GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID}/times |
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/times | |
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/calendar | |
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID}/calendar | |
GET /v2/b2c/events/{Event Template ID}/nextAvailable | |
GET /v2/b2c/events/{Event Instance ID} |
List Event Templates
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates
Get a list of all Event Templates configured for sale online.
For additional information for membership purchases, the following articles are related:
- Membership Overview and Configuration Basics
- Discounted Ticket Sales (via Coupon or Member) - coming soon
- Online Sales for Membership Lifecycle Actions - coming soon
startTime: (Optional. ISO8601 format) Filters event templates that have instances after this start date. When not provided all templates are returned. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional, ISO8601 format) Filters event templates that have instances before this end date. Used only with start date. Defaults to 11:59 in the tenant's timezone for the same day as startTime. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's Membership ID. Including this parameter allows for event templates that are only accessible to their membership to be returned. It also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's desired membership level (e.g. Individual Membership). This is helpful to show member discounts and templates only accessible to the given level for non-members who are looking to become a member. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Templates
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123'
--header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \
--header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
A list of Event Objects
[ { "id": "61f99bfe62bd1f467c39771f", "type": "standard", "admissionType": "standard", "name": "Behind-the-Scenes Tour", "description": "Go behind the scenes with this exclusive premium guided tour! Offered daily at 1pm.", "shortDescription": "", "emailConfirmationMessage": "", "summary": "", "startTime": "2022-02-01T12:45:00-08:00", "endTime": "2022-12-31T23:59:00-08:00", "priceLists": [ { "id": "61f99c2b13e8bd00a8666ede", "name": "Behind the Scenes", "description": "", "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": "32.00", "primePrice": "0.00", "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Customer Rep", "channel": "customerRep", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Point of Sale", "channel": "pointOfSale", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Manual Entry", "channel": "manualEntry", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Reseller", "channel": "reseller", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Kiosk", "channel": "kiosk", "enabled": false } ], "displayOrder": 1, "discountedPrice": "32.00" }, ... ], "startTime": "2022-03-10T11:40:53-08:00" } ] ........ ... }
List Event Templates (Slim)
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/slim
Recommended endpoint to improve your performance when getting a list of Event Templates configured for sale online. See the "Slim" column on the Event Object to see which fields are included in this endpoint response and make sure this will solve your needs.
startTime:(Optional) Defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional) Defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Templates (Slim)
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
A list of Event Objects (see the List/Slim column)
[ { "id": "61f99bfe62bd1f467c39771f", "type": "STANDARD", "admissionType": "STANDARD", "name": "Behind-the-Scenes Tour", "description": "Go behind the scenes with this exclusive premium guided tour! Offered daily at 1pm.", "shortDescription": "", "emailConfirmationMessage": "", "summary": "", "startTime": 1643748300000, "endTime": 1672559940000, "priceLists": [ { "id": "61f99c2b13e8bd00a8666ede", "name": "Behind the Scenes", "description": "", "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": "32.00", "primePrice": "0.00", "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true }, { "name": "Customer Rep", "channel": "customerRep", "enabled": true }... ], "displayOrder": 1, "discountedPrice": "32.00" },.... ], "startTime": "2022-03-10T11:40:53-08:00" }... ], "images": [], "soldQuantity": 0, "membership": { "discounts": [], "restrictions": [] }, "lastPublished": 1643748582906, "lastUpdated": 1643748582906, "displayOrder": 3, "schedules": [ { "id": "60dd2da3-84d3-4446-a2b1-655d5efe7f93", "name": "2022" } ], "available": true, "discountAvailable": false } ]
Get a Single Event Template
Get the details for a single Event Template. This is useful when a visitor selects an Event to see more details.
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID}
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get a Single Event Template
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
The requested event template (see Event Object).
{ "id": "61f99bfe62bd1f467c39771f", "type": "standard", "admissionType": "standard", "name": "Behind-the-Scenes Tour", "description": "Go behind the scenes with this exclusive premium guided tour! Offered daily at 1pm.", "shortDescription": "", "emailConfirmationMessage": "", "summary": "", "startTime": "2022-02-01T12:45:00-08:00", "endTime": "2022-12-31T23:59:00-08:00", "priceLists": [ { "id": "61f99c2b13e8bd00a8666ede", "name": "Behind the Scenes", "description": "", "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": "32.00", "primePrice": "0.00", "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true }, ... ], "displayOrder": 1, "discountedPrice": "32.00" }... ], "startTime": "2022-03-10T11:40:53-08:00" } ], "images": [], "reviewState": "published", "ticketDetails": { "ticketDurationDays": 1, "checkInWindow": { "minutesBefore": 30, "minutesAfter": 5, "blockScan": false, "autoRebook": false }, "postStartPurchase": { "allowLateTicketPurchase": false }, "purchaseAvailability": { "timeFrame": "when", "minutes": 0 }, "ticketPrintLines": [ "No flash photography", "Please arrive 10 minutes before tour begins.", "", "" ], "doNotPrint": false, "expireFromEventDate": true, "hideEventDate": false }, "soldQuantity": 0, "membership": { "restrictions": [], "discounts": [] }, "rebookingFee": "0.00", "thirdPartyEvent": false, "thirdPartyPercentage": "0.00", "emailCancellationMessage": "", "ruleSets": { "associated": true, "ruleSetIds": [ "61f99ce662bd1f467c397745" ] }, "colorCategory": { "backgroundColor": "#00695c", "textColor": "#ffffff" }, "entitlementConfiguration": { "id": "61f99c219b6e971726beb92d", "eventTemplateId": "61f99bfe62bd1f467c39771f", "salesRuleSetId": "61f99ce662bd1f467c397745", "name": "Rules for Behind-the-Scenes Tour", "entitlementConfig": [], "salesRuleConfig": [], "ticketRuleConfig": [] }, "memberOnlyEvent": false, "allMembersCanPurchase": false, "displayOrder": 3, "stars": 0, "ratings": 0, "lastPublished": "2022-02-01T12:49:42-08:00", "lastUpdated": "2022-02-01T12:49:42-08:00", "schedules": [ { "id": "60dd2da3-84d3-4446-a2b1-655d5efe7f93", "name": "2022", "description": "", "weekdays": [ "M", "Tu", "W", "Th", "F", "Sa", "Su" ], "hours": [ { "hour": 13, "minutes": 0, "quantity": 1 } ], "ranges": [ { "start": { "hour": 9, "minutes": 0, "quantity": 0 }, "end": { "hour": 17, "minutes": 0, "quantity": 0 } } ], "effectiveStartTime": "2022-02-01T12:00:00-08:00", "effectiveEndTime": "2022-12-31T23:59:00-08:00", "priceLists": [ { "id": "61f99c2b13e8bd00a8666ede", "name": "Behind the Scenes", "description": "", "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": "32.00", "primePrice": "0.00", "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true }.... ], "displayOrder": 1, "discountedPrice": "32.00" }... ], "startTime": "2022-03-10T11:40:53-08:00" } ], "capacity": 12, "duration": { "hour": 1, "minutes": 15 }, "repeatCycle": "day", "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true },... ], "honorHolidays": true, "honorOpenHours": true, "blockFlexPays": true, "type": "standard" } ], "available": true, "discountAvailable": false }
List Events for a Single Template (with ticket counts)
This endpoint will return all Event Instances for a given Event Template, including the start time and available capacity for each.
Learn more about Event Templates vs Instances with Event Template Basics.
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID}/times
x-b2c-tenant-id (required!) The ID of the ACME tenant who is making the call. | Example: 107 |
startTime:(Optional) Defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional) Defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
comboTemplateId: (Optional) The combo template ID contains a list of templates. | Example: 626c0f650efdcc2ce6bb852d |
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Instances for a Single Event Template
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
A list of Event Times for the given Event Template, which includes:
- id: The ID of the event
- date: String representation of the date
- time: String representation of the time
- seatsAvailable: (Integer) The number of seats still available for this time
- startTime: ISO8601 representation of the start time for this event
- event: <Event Object>
[ { "id": "62688a8332e27b4df07598e2", "date": "Fri, Nov 11, 2022", "time": "05:25PM, PST", "availableSeats": 10, "startTime": "2022-11-11T17:25:00-08:00", "event": { <event details> } }, { "id": "62688a8332e27b4df0759994", "date": "Sat, Nov 12, 2022", "time": "05:25PM, PST", "availableSeats": 10, "startTime": "2022-11-12T17:25:00-08:00", "event": { <event details> } } ]
List Events for All Templates (with ticket counts)
This endpoint will return all Event Instances for all Event Templates, including their time and available capacity for sale.
For performance reasons, is highly recommended to use a small timeframe (startTime & endTime) for this endpoint, especially for venues with quite a few event templates. By default, only today will be returned.
Learn more about Event Templates vs Instances with Event Template Basics.
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/times
startTime:(Optional, ISO8601 format) The time you want events to be after. Defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional, ISO8601 format) The time you want events to be before. Defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. Not implemented yet, subject to change. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. Not implemented yet, subject to change. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Instances for all Event Templates
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
A list of event times bucketed by template in this format.
- List of templates
- eventTemplateId: ID of the Event Template
- List of times (See Event Time Objectfor more details)
- id: The ID of the event
- date: String representation of the date
- time: String representation of the time
- seatsAvailable: (Integer) The number of seats still available for this time
- startTime: ISO8601 representation of the start time for this event
- event: <Event Object>
[ { "eventTemplateId": "61f99bfe62bd1f467c39771f", "times": [ { "id": "61f99cfb62bd1f467c3977ed", "date": "Mon, Nov 14, 2022", "time": "01:00PM, PST", "availableSeats": 12, "startTime": "2022-11-14T13:00:00-08:00", "event": { <Event Details> } } ] } ]
Get Event Calendar
Get a list of all of the dates and times that have events available for sale.
As long as there is at least one ticket remaining, the date will return as true. If you want to display a remaining ticket count, use one of the following endpoint instead: List Events for All Templates (with ticket counts)
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/calendar
startTime:(Optional) Defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want the events to be after. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional) Defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone) ISO8601, the time you want your events to be before. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Calendar
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
An array of days. Each day in the array contains:
- date: ISO8601 representation of the date
- name: Not implemented yet. In future would be the name of a holiday.
- active: (Boolean) True if there are events on that day, otherwise false.
{ "days": [ { "date": "2022-11-15T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true }, { "date": "2022-11-16T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true }.... ] }
Get Event Calendar for an Event Template
Get a list of all of the dates and times that have events available for sale for a given Event Template.
As long as there is at least one ticket remaining, the date will return as true. If you want to display a remaining ticket count, use one of the following endpoint instead: List Events for a Single Template (with ticket counts)
GET /v2/b2c/event/templates/{Event Template ID}/calendar
startTime:(Optional, ISO8601 format) The time you want the events to be after. Defaults to 12:00am today in the tenant's timezone. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
endTime:(Optional) The time you want your events to be before. Defaults to 11:59pm today in the tenant's timezone. | Example: 2022-10-31T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sale channel you are listing the times for. | Example:
type: (Optional) One of private, standard or all. By default, private events will not be returned. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Event Calendar for an Event Template
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
An array of days. Each day in the array contains:
- date: ISO8601 representation of the date
- name: Not implemented yet. In future would be the name of a holiday.
- active: (Boolean) True if there are events on that day, otherwise false.
{ "days": [ { "date": "2022-11-15T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true }, { "date": "2022-11-16T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true }, { "date": "2022-11-17T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true }, { "date": "2022-11-18T02:59:00-08:00", "name": "", "active": true } ] }
Get Next Available Event Instance
Get the details for the Next Available Event Instance for a given Event Template. This is helpful in a scenario where you have event instances that are not scheduled for months in the future. When you display a calendar to the visitor, you can jump to the month with the next available event instance for purchase.
GET /v2/b2c/events/{Event Template ID}/nextAvailable
id:(Required) The template ID for which the next available event is to be found. | Example: 62609a2f3599d16aeb5520ac |
startTime:(Optional) The start time for the next available event. | Example: 2022-10-01T12:00:00-07:00 |
saleChannel: (Optional) The sales channel for the next available event. | Example:
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership ID. This allows to include membership discounts. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
Example - Get Next Available Event Instance
curl --location '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
Event Object of the next available event based on the request parameters.
The "id" returned is the Event Instance ID.
{ "id": "63b715e7f00cf83d674fccd0", "name": "General Admission", "description": "<p>General Admission Looking for ACME Support? Click <a href=\"\">Here</a>!</p>", "templateId": "62609a2f3599d16aeb5520ac", "emailConfirmationMessage": "<p><strong>Plan Your Visit</strong></p>\n<p>Safety Guidelines</p>\n<ul>\n<li>We no longer require masks to be worn at all times indoors, regardless of vaccination status. In accordance with the Department of Public Health, we still strongly recommend all visitors to continue wearing masks while indoors and ask that individual choices are respected.</li>\n<li>If you feel sick or have a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, fever, chills, loss of smell, or muscle pain, or if you have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your health care provider and please refreain from visiting.</li>\n<li>All bags will be inspected upon arrival.</li>\n<li>Admire artwork from a distance, at least an arm’s length. And no touching art, platforms, or cases (unless a sign or label says it’s okay).</li>\n<li>Sketching and writing is allowed in the galleries with pencils only. Please use sketchbooks no larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches.</li>\n<li>For everyone’s safety, please follow the instructions of security officers.</li>\n</ul>\n<p></p>", "capacity": 4000, "startTime": "2023-03-08T09:00:00-08:00", "endTime": "2023-03-08T16:30:00-08:00", "priceList": { "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": 15.0, "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true },... ... ], "priceListId": "6130ff800f0de240487a9574" },... "type": "standard", "checkInCount": 0, "available": false, "admissionType": "generalAdmission", "lastModified": "2023-02-07T11:46:44-08:00" }
Get a single Event Instance
GET /v2/b2c/events/{Event Instance ID}
Get the details for a single Event Instance.
id:(Required) The id of the event instance you want. | Example: 63b715e7f00cf83d674fcd3a |
membershipId: (Optional) The current user's membership id. This allows to include membership discounts. | Example: 5627568 |
membershipCategoryId: (Optional) The current user's membership category. This allows for event templates that are only accessible to memberships to be returned, also allows for price list of the event to include membership discounts. | Example: 5a0530ddf71d1a05637a5cec |
barcode: (Optional) The barcode from the membership card. | Example: 5627568 |
Example - Get a single Event Instance
curl --location '' \ --header 'x-b2c-tenant-id: 123' \ --header 'x-acme-browser-ip:' \ --header 'x-acme-api-key: a4c5cfd307834890a6e1e09eb9e11b4d' \
The requested Event Object
{ "id": "63b715e7f00cf83d674fcd3a", "name": "General Admission", "description": "<p>General Admission Looking for ACME Support? Click <a href=\"\">Here</a>!</p>", "templateId": "62609a2f3599d16aeb5520ac", "emailConfirmationMessage": "<p><strong>Plan Your Visit</strong></p>\n<p>Safety Guidelines</p>\n<ul>\n<li>We no longer require masks to be worn at all times indoors, regardless of vaccination status. In accordance with the Department of Public Health, we still strongly recommend all visitors to continue wearing masks while indoors and ask that individual choices are respected.</li>\n<li>If you feel sick or have a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, fever, chills, loss of smell, or muscle pain, or if you have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your health care provider and please refreain from visiting.</li>\n<li>All bags will be inspected upon arrival.</li>\n<li>Admire artwork from a distance, at least an arm’s length. And no touching art, platforms, or cases (unless a sign or label says it’s okay).</li>\n<li>Sketching and writing is allowed in the galleries with pencils only. Please use sketchbooks no larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches.</li>\n<li>For everyone’s safety, please follow the instructions of security officers.</li>\n</ul>\n<p></p>", "capacity": 4000, "startTime": "2023-03-17T09:00:00-07:00", "endTime": "2023-03-17T16:30:00-07:00", "priceList": { "prices": [ { "personType": { "id": "6130fea5bf4aec4ef5db0dc5", "name": "Adult", "description": "18-64", "active": true, "type": "Individual", "displayOrder": 0 }, "price": 15.0, "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true },... ], "displayOrder": 1, "discountedPrice": 15.0, "discount": 0.0 }, ... ] }, "resourceDetails": [], "scheduleId": "a734fa82-479b-487c-9972-1e63f239b9b7", "salesRestrictions": [], "ticketDetails": { "ticketDurationDays": 1, "checkInWindow": { "minutesBefore": 30, "minutesAfter": 15, "blockScan": false, "autoRebook": false }, "postStartPurchase": { "allowLateTicketPurchase": true, "minutesAfter": 435 }, "purchaseAvailability": { "timeFrame": "after", "minutes": 435 }, "ticketPrintLines": [ "", "", "", "" ], "doNotPrint": false, "expireFromEventDate": true, "hideEventDate": false }, "emailCancellationMessage": "", "state": "active", "ticketConfig": { "printerConfigs": [ { "printerId": "612fa5fa5d8fd13115cbeb6c", "name": "Email", "config": "", "printerType": "email", "selection": "schedule" },... ], "assigned": false }, "customFields": [ { "name": "Department", "value": "Visitor Services" }, { "name": "Event Type", "value": "General Admission" }, { "name": "Location", "value": "Visitor Center" } ], "offSchedule": false, "colorCategory": { "backgroundColor": "#af0d56", "textColor": "#ffffff" }, "images": [ { "id": "49428e1f-2ab5-4bae-8c76-1b660513cb60", "primary": true, "thumbnail": "", "highRes": "", "screen": "", "preview": "" } ], "formattedStartTime": "Fri, Mar 17, 2023 09:00 AM PDT", "soldQuantity": 0, "salesChannels": [ { "name": "Web", "channel": "online", "enabled": true }, ... ], "type": "standard", "checkInCount": 0, "available": true, "admissionType": "generalAdmission", "lastModified": "2023-02-07T11:46:44-08:00" }