Checkout Object
Checkout is a combination of the Shopping Cart, contact information, and payment information (if payment is due).
Shopping Cart
All checkout calls require a shopping cart to complete. A shopping cart can either be created in advance using the shopping cart endpoint, or they can be sent in the checkout call itself. For more information see the Shopping Cart documentation.
- To checkout with a pre-built shopping cart, pass the shopping cart ID into the shoppingCartId attribute.
- To build the cart at checkout, add a shopping cart object using the shoppingCart attribute.
Order Contact
Checkout can be for a guest, an existing customer, or an existing member.
- Member:
- If an existing Membership ID is provided via the Shopping Cart, ACME will associate the order with this member.
- Or if the order contains a membership purchase, ACME will associate the order with the primary cardholder.
- Customer:
- If an existing Customer ID is provided via the Shopping Cart, ACME will associate the order with this Customer
- Or if enough information is provided for a customer record (first name, last name, and one of email, phone, or address), ACME will automatically match or create customers accordingly.
- Guest: If none of the above apply, checkout will simply be as a guest. Any contact information collected will be saved to the Order as the Order Contact
Billing Contact
If payment is taken, the Billing Contact can be the same or different than the Order Contact. In the case of a credit card payment, the Billing Contact information should match the credit card provided.
The billing email is required for the order email confirmation to be sent.
To create an order using membership discounts, see the Shopping Cart APIs.
shoppingCart or shoppingCartId For additional information, see Shopping Cart & Shopping Cart Items Objects | |
contactFirstName (String) First name of the Order Contact | Example: Jane |
contactLastName (String) Last name of the Order Contact | |
email (String) Email address for the Order Contact | Example: |
phoneNumber (String) Phone number of the Order Contact | Example: 1234567890 |
contactFullName (String) Full name of the Order Contact | Example: Jane Doe |
address1 (String) Address line 1 for the Order Contact | Example: 123 A Street |
address2 (String) Address line 2 for the Order Contact | Example: Suite 100 |
country (String) Country for the Order Contact See Country and State List APIs for additional information. | Example: United States |
city (String) City for the Order Contact | Example: San Jose |
state (String) State or Province for the Order Contact | Example: California |
zipCode (String) ZIP or Postal Code for the Order Contact | Example: 95113 |
expDate (String) (Required if payment due) Credit card expiration date (MMYY) | Example: 1124 |
manualEntryCardNumber (String) (Required if payment due) Credit card PAN | Example: 4242424242424242 |
cvc (String) (Required if payment due) Credit card CVC | Example: 123 |
ccLastFourDigits (String) Last four digits of the credit card | Example: 4242 |
creditCardBrand Credit card brand | Example:
notes (String) add notes to an order | Example: Any note |
billingFirstName (String) First name of the Billing Contact | Example: Jane |
billingLastName (String) Last name of the Billing Contact | Example: Doe |
billingEmail (String) (Required to send email) Email of the Billing Contact | Example: |
billingPhoneNumber (String) Phone number of the Billing Contact | Example: 1234567890 |
billingAddress1 (String) (Required for credit card verification*) Address line 1 for the Billing Contact | Example: 123 A Street |
billingAddress2 (String) Address line 2 of the Billing Contact | Example: Suite 100 |
billingCountry (String) (Required*) Country of the Billing Contact See Country and State List APIs for additional information. | Example: United States |
billingCity (String) (Required*) City of the Billing Contact | Example: San Jose |
billingZipCode (String) (Required for credit card verification*) ZIP or Postal Code of the Billing Contact | Example: 95113 |
billingState (String) (Required*) State of the Billing Contact | Example: California |
sendEmail (Boolean) | Example:
* billingEmail required to send ** The default if not included = true |
*Billing Address requirements are configured in ACME Backoffice. For Credit Card verification and the best rates on processing fees, ZIP/Postal code is required, and full address is highly recommended.
giftCardNumber | This object is deprecated |