
The Forms Object contains information about the Forms that are being submitted with the order

Form Object

This lives under orderForms on the Event Template Object that the Form is attached to.

Field NameDescription
idThe ID of the form that is attached to the Event
nameThe form name
sourceThe source of the form response. Always 'acme'.
sourceFormDefinitionA list of all the form fields.
state'published' or 'draft'
lastUpdatedDateThe date the form was last updated.
lastPublishedDateThe date the form was last published.
preferences.pos'displayed' or 'required'
preferences.b2c'displayed' or 'none'
oncePerCart'true' or 'false'

If there is more than 1 event in the cart with the same form and:
1. This is set to 'true', then the customer will only be asked to fill the form once.
2. This is set to 'false', then the customer will be asked to fill out the form once per Event in their cart that the form is tied to

Form Response Object

Field NameDescription
The Form Response ID: the unique ID of the response that is submitted on the order
formIdThe ID of the form that is attached to the Event
nameThe form name
typeThe type of form. Always 'order'.
sourceThe source of the form response. Always 'acme'.
customFieldsAn array that holds any custom fields on the form
responseDataAn array with one object per field
The value the user submitted for the field
responseData.fields.labelThe label for the form field
responseData.fields.nameThe database name for the field
publishedFormTemplate.idThe ID of the form that is attached to the Event. This equals 'formId'.
The form name. This equals 'name' above.
This equals 'type' above.
This equals 'source' above.
A list of all the form fields.
'published' or 'draft'
The date the form was last updated.
The date the form was last published.
'true' or 'false'

If there is more than 1 event in the cart with the same form and:
1. This is set to 'true', then the customer will only be asked to fill the form once.
2. This is set to 'false', then the customer will be asked to fill out the form once per Event in their cart that the form is tied to