
In order to access Membership Benefits on B2C, members need to verify their membership. Verification can be done via Membership Number, Membership Number + Last Name, or Email.


Verify by Membership Number

Verification can be done by Membership Number alone or by Membership Number and Last Name.

GET /v2/b2c/membership/validate


membershipIdThe ACME Membership NumberYes
lastNameThe Member's Last NameNo




If successfully verified, you will see "status": "verified" in the response. 

If not successfully verified, you will see "status": "not_found" in the response.

Example Request:

curl --location 'https://sand8-api.acmeticketing.net/v2/b2c/membership/validate?membershipId=380707045&lastName=Peters' \
--header 'x-acme-api-key: XXXXXXX' \

Example Response:

        "status": "verified",
        "memberListEntry": {
            "id": 11155947,
            "membershipId": 4593537,
            "constituentImportId": "ACME211787407",
            "cardType": "primary",
            "categoryId": "62bf2213357c362b5da3ff9c",
            "offeringId": "5bbf0196feaa4ee6ac7d441bdccfc535",
            "pricePointId": "62bf21f0357c362b5da3ff94",
            "name": "Margot Peters",
            "barcode": "357052215",
            "acmeBarcode": "357052215",
            "email": "katie+margot@acmeticketing.com",
            "firstName": "Margot",
            "lastName": "Peters",
            "phoneNumber": "1239994848",
            "streetAddress1": "45 Atlantic Ave",
            "city": "Portland",
            "state": "Maine",
            "zipCode": "10025",
            "country": "United States",
            "primaryCard": true,
            "externalMembershipId": "380707044",
            "membershipJoinedDate": "2024-05-29T00:00:00-07:00",
            "membershipStartDate": "2024-05-29T00:00:00-07:00",
            "membershipExpirationDate": "2025-05-28T23:59:59-07:00",
            "membershipStanding": "active",
            "membershipCategory": "Individual",
            "acmeMembershipNumber": "380707044",
            "acmeCustomerNumber": "211787407",
            "cardStartDate": "2024-05-29T00:00:00-07:00",
            "cardExpirationDate": "2025-05-28T23:59:59-07:00",
            "cardStanding": "active",
            "auxiliary": false,
            "customerId": 7241882

Verify by Member Email

Directed to ACME B2C Site

We have an API that will verify a member by email, send the member an email with a verification link that upon clicking will open the ACME B2C site as the verified member. The link in this email is not currently configurable so it will always open to ACME's B2C site.

GET /v2/b2c/membership/validate/login


emailThe member's email address. Yes




This API does not return a response. If successful, the Member will receive an email with the verification link.

Example Request:

curl --location 'https://sand8-api.acmeticketing.net/v2/b2c/membership/validate/login?email=katie%40acmeticketing.com' \
--header 'x-acme-api-key: XXXXXX' \

Directed to a Custom Site

If the verification link needs to open to a custom site instead of ACME's B2C site, our recommendation is to use ACME APIs to lookup the member by email, then write custom code to have an email sent to the member with a verification link that opens to the custom site. 

To look up the member by email, you can use one of the following. In the response for each, a membership array is included that will contain the IDs necessary to send the email with the verification link.

  1. Customers Advanced Search API
  2. Membership Advanced Search API